I am currently Associate Research Professer at the University of Fribourg, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Previously, I was a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Berkeley, Glasgow and Warwick, as well as at the Institut Jean-Nicod at the Ecole Normale Superieur in Paris. Before that, I worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of Fribourg, as a Research Fellow at the Universities of Fribourg and Geneva, and as a Sessional Lecturer at the University of Fribourg and University College London. I received my MPhil (in 2000) and my PhD (in 2005) from University College London, and my Magister (in 1998) from the University of Tübingen.
In 2012, I started as the Editor-in-Chief of the academic philosophy journal Estetika: the Central European Journal of Philosophy (Czech Academy of the Sciences; ESF-Ranking: INT-2). Since 2008, I am the secretary of the European Society for Aesthetics and the co-editor of their annual Proceedings. I am also the current Programme Chair of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Between 2004 and 2008, I was one of the four assistant editors (i.e., members of the Editorial Committee) of the academic philosophy journal dialectica (Wiley-Blackwell; ESF-ranking: INT-1).