Nov, 2016 25

Nov, 2016 26

Intentionality and Consciousness. From Austrian to Contemporary Philosophy of Mind

Miloud Belkoniene Time: 09:15 - 17:30

Up to date programm:

Friday 25 November 2016
Location: Centre culturel de l’Ancienne Gare, Fribourg

09:15–10:00 Peter Andras Varga (Budapest), “Husserl’s Position in the Controversy between Sigwart and the School of Brentano over Existential Judgements (1893-1918)”
10:00–10:30 Q&A
10:30–10:45 Coffee Break
10:45–11:30 Marta Jorba (Girona), “On the Nature of the Perceptual and the Cognitive Horizon”
11:30–12:00 Q&A

12:00–13:30 Lunch Break @ Ancienne Gare Café

13:30–14:15 Edgar Morscher (Salzburg), “Characterisation and Classification of Psychic Phenomena in Austrian Philosophy: Bolzano – Brentano – Meinong”
14:15–14:45 Q&A
14:45–15:00 Coffee Break
15:00–15:45 Janette Friedrich (Geneva), “Bühler über das Denken”
15:45–16:15 Q&A

19:30 Dinner @ TBA

Saturday 26 November 2016
Location: Université Miséricorde, Salle Jaeggi

09:15–10:00 Johannes Brandl (Salzburg), “Minimal Intentionality” 10:00–10:30 Q&A
10:30–10:45 Coffee Break
10:45–11:30 Fabian Dorsch (Fribourg), “The Phenomenology of Attitudes”
11:30–12:00 Q&A

12:00–13:30 Lunch Break @ TBA

13:30–14:15 Alessandro Salice (Cork), “The Phenomenology of We-Intentionality” 14:15–14:45 Q&A
14:45–15:00 Coffee Break
15:00–15:45 Patrik Engisch (Fribourg), “Intentionality Can’t Get No Satisfaction”
15:45–16:15 Q&A
16:15–16:30 Coffee Break
16:30–17:30 Roundtable discussion

19:30 Dinner @ TBA

Further information