EXRE Colloquium

Oct, 2023 16

Davide Dalla Rosa, “A Kantian account of the relationship between believing and judging”

Sharon Casu Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

On Monday, October 16th, Davide Dalla Rosa will give the following talk: “A Kantian account of the relationship between believing and judging”

Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aEkOJc7khEXPKBqyYVgaPyxNTvNBRLDVqghPlqKDHiuI1%40thread.tacv2/1695802103169?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d


The paper aims to investigate the relationship between the act of judging in Kant and …

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Oct, 2023 9

Mario Schärli, “Possibility, Actuality, and Determinacy. Baumgarten’s Theory of Ontological Status”

Sharon Casu Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

On Monday, October 9th, we’ll have the pleasure of listening to Mario Schärli’s talk, “Possibility, Actuality, and Determinacy. Baumgarten’s Theory of Ontological Status”.

Mario will be joining us online, but we will meet in the Jäggi room (MIS04 4112). Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend …

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Mar, 2023 1

EXRE Colloquium: Giuliano Torrengo’s talk on “The Outer Flow and the Inner Flow” (University of Milan)

Speaker: Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milan)
Title: “The Outer Flow and the Inner Flow”  … “Giuliano works on time, considered from different angles (metaphysics, mind, language, etc.). He’s currently writing a book on temporal experience, which is under contract with OUP. He’s at the end of the process and might present …

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Nov, 2022 9

EXRE Colloquium: Jason Day’s talk

Speaker: Jason Day
Title: “A Distributive Model of Attention: Understanding the Relation between Attention and the Structure of Experience”
Date & Time: Wed, 9 Nov 2022, 17:15-19:00.

See the event