EXRE Colloquium

Apr 10

EXRE Colloquium: Vera Hoffmann-Kolss – Degrees of Causation

Elisa Bezençon Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium


There is a growing consensus that causation can come in degrees. For instance, if two companies both emit effluents into a river, the degree to which they should be held responsible for the resulting damage depends on the degree to which they causally contributed to it. In general, if an …

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Mar 20

EXRE Colloquium: Léna Mudry – Suspension of Jugment, Inquiry and High Stakes

Elisa Bezençon Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium


Suspension of judgement is often closely associated with inquiry (Friedman 2017, 2019; Fritz 2020; Lord 2021).  Interestingly these philosophers have also provided an inquiry-based explanation of high stakes cases. In a nutshell, a belief that P is justified only if one ought not to inquire further. Due to insufficient attention …

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Mar 13

EXRE Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene – Moral Intuitionism: Between Reasons and Inclinations

Elisa Bezençon Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

Abstract : This paper examines moral intuitionism as formulated by Tropman. In Tropman’s view, moral intuitionism is best construed as the claim that some moral beliefs can be justified without being based on reasons. While this construal of the view has several advantages, it raises an important question: how can a …

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Mar 6

EXRE Colloquium: Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette – Two Problems with Bullshitting

Elisa Bezençon Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

Abstract: Bullshitting is prima facie wrong, and sometimes blameless. Harry Frankfurt’s famous account, according to which to bullshit is to manifest indifference to truth, fails to explain the wrongness of bullshitting and impliess that it is always blameworthy, or at least inexcusable. We should instead follow Cohen and Wreen and …

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Dec, 2023 11

[CANCELLED] Léna Mudry, “Suspension of Judgement, Inquiry and High Stakes”

Sharon Casu Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

Next Monday, December 11, Léna Mudry will give the following talk: “Suspension of Judgement, Inquiry and High Stakes”.


Suspension of judgement is often closely associated with inquiry (Friedman 2017, 2019; Fritz 2020; Lord 2021). For example, Jane Friedman argues that we suspend judgement to inquire (2017). …

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Dec, 2023 4

(ONLINE) Roberto Keller, “Wrong-Kind-of-Reason Skepticism Strikes Back”

Sharon Casu Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

On Monday, 4 December, we’ll have the pleasure of listening to Roberto Keller’s talk, “Wrong-Kind-of-Reason Skepticism Strikes Back”.

The talk will be held exclusively online. Here is the link for the meeting : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Y2ZhNzdjOWUtMGZmNi00NTJmLWEyYjItOTgwMzY5Yjg0OGY4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d


Reasons of the right kind to believe, desire, or intend that p are reasons which bear, …

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Nov, 2023 27

[CANCELLED] Vera Hoffman-Kolss, “Counterpossibles and Causal Exclusion”

Sharon Casu Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

Speaker: Vera Hoffman-Kolss

Title: “Counterpossibles and Causal Exclusion”

Date: 27.11.23

Time: 17:15-19:00

Location: Room Peter Jäggi (MIS04 4112)

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Nov, 2023 13

Paul Keller, “Secession and Annexation – Structural Symmetry and Its Implications”

Sharon Casu Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

Next Monday, November 13th, Paul Keller will give the following talk: “Secession and Annexation – Structural Symmetry and Its Implications”.

Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZGFjYzZkZjMtMTkwMS00N2U4LTg2ZDMtYzg0N2VmZjI1MjBj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d

Contact: sharon.casu@unifr.ch or elisa.bezencon@unifr.ch

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Oct, 2023 30

Ursula Renz, “Perspective-Taking as a Norm of Doxastic Rationality: What’s the Point of Kant’s Second Maxim?”

Sharon Casu Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

Tomorrow, October 30th, Ursula Renz will give the following talk: “Perspective-Taking as a Norm of Doxastic Rationality: What’s the Point of Kant’s Second Maxim?” in the Peter Jäggi room (MIS04 4112).

Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_M2UyYTdlNTgtZjhjMy00NjgwLTg3NmUtYmMzYjM5ZTdlZjg3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d


The paper elaborates on …

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Oct, 2023 23

[CANCELLED] Basil Müller, “Bad Beliefs and Social Epistemic Norms”

Sharon Casu Time: 17:15 - 19:00 EXRE Colloquium

On Monday, October 23rd, Basil Müller will present “Bad Beliefs and Social Epistemic Norms”


People with bad beliefs — roughly beliefs that conflict with those of the relevant experts and are maintained regardless of counter-evidence — are often cast as bad believers. Such beliefs are seen to be the …

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