Apr, 2020 15

Online EXRE Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene’s talk on “Understanding and Skepticism.”

Davood Bahjat Fumani Time: 17:15 - 19:00

Dear all,

I hope you and your family are staying safe during these challenging times.

After successfully holding some sessions of FridaySeminars online via Zoom, we have been encouraged to do the same for some sessions of EXRE colloquiums. In this regard, I’m pleased to announce that Miloud Belkoniene will give us a talk on “Understanding and Skepticism” online on the 15th of April at 17:15.

You can easily download the Zoom mobile apps from here or use your browser to join the meeting. For more information regarding how to work with zoom, please check this link.

To join the meeting you need the ID and password below:

ID: 997-6636-0870
Password: 988792

Link: https://uofglasgow.zoom.us/j/99766360870?pwd=c0FTcUJYa0FoOWlSWjNQTTk3L0hsdz09

