Davide Dalla Rosa, “A Kantian account of the relationship between believing and judging”
On Monday, October 16th, Davide Dalla Rosa will give the following talk: “A Kantian account of the relationship between believing and judging”
Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aEkOJc7khEXPKBqyYVgaPyxNTvNBRLDVqghPlqKDHiuI1%40thread.tacv2/1695802103169?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d
The paper aims to investigate the relationship between the act of judging in Kant and the doxastic states of the rational subject who performs it. I will argue that Kant’s act of judging is epistemically complex, and that it can be evaluated through four different levels or layers, which are internally divided between two essential and two optional for the performance of the act. I will focus mainly on the theoretical relationship between the two essential levels or layers and the level of evaluation that in Kant involves the functional analogue of beliefs. Finally, I will hint at some combinations among the different levels of evaluation of the act, which should allow us to distinguish between qualitatively different acts of judging.
Contact: sharon.casu@unifr.ch or elisa.bezencon@unifr.ch