Conference: “Fiction and Cognition”
Mariìa Joseì Alcaraz Leoìn (University of Murcia): “More than Make-believe: On the Uses of Imagination in Understanding Fictional Literature”
Stacie Friend (Birbeck College): “The Empirical Dimension of Learning from Fiction”
Peter Lamarque (University of York): “On De-Emphasising Empathy Among Responses
Eileen John (Kent University): “What Is it Like to Experience Something as Fiction?
Derek …
Functions of Attention: Second Workshop of the Aesthetics & Ethics of Attention SNSF Reseach Project
10:30-11:00 Introduction
11:00-12:15 Natalie Depraz (Rouen)
“Between Attention and Surprise. On Attentional Modulation”
comments by Emmanuel Alloa
12:15-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:00 Diego D`Angelo (Würzburg)
“Attention as holistic access. Synaesthesia, focus, and the constitution of the world”
comments by Susanne Schmetkamp
15:00-15:45 Break
15:45-17:00 Sebastian Watzl (Oslo)
“Salience plays a rational role”
comments by Isabel Kaeslin
17:15-18:30 Christopher Mole (Vancouver)
“The Moral Psychology of Salience”
comments …
Kant on A Priori Knowledge and the Necessity of the Categories. Workshop with Adrian W. Moore (Oxford)
Monday, March 15th 2021
10.15-12.00: Adrian W. Moore: “Armchair Knowledge, some Kantian Reflections”
14.15-16.00: Isabel Käslin: Comment on Adrian W. Moore & discussion
Tuesday, March 16th 2021
10.15-12.00: Anil Gomes, Adrian W. Moore & Andrew Stephenson: “The Necessity of the Categories”
14.15-16.00: Paola Romero: Comment on Gomes, Moore & Stephenson & discussion
The workshop will be taking place …
Workshop Aesthetics & Critique IV
Aesthetics & Critique Workshop IV
Contemporaneity/Zeitgenossenschaft/Le contemporain
Universität Fribourg & FriArt
18.11.21, 14h-18h
Location: FriArt, Petites-Rames 22, Fribourg
“Aesthetic Practice in Contemporary Conditions”
Jacob Lund (Aarhus University)
“Contemporizing the Classical /Classicizing the Contemporary”
Peter Osborne (Kingston University London)
“The Critique of Contemporary Art”
Ludger Schwarte (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)
19.11.21, 9h-12h
Location: Uni Fribourg, …
Conference: Rational Capacities in Thought, Perception, and Action
Dear all,
We’re delighted to invite you to our upcoming conference “Rational Capacities in Thought, Perception, and Action” which will be held from 30th May to 1st June 2022.
Please find the conference poster and program below.
If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact Andrea:
For the …
Conference: Rational Capacities
With Henrike Moll, Giacomo Melis, Adrian Haddock, Eric Marcus, Lucy Campbell and members of the Warwick/Fribourg research project.
Workshop: Moral Understanding, Virtue and Moral Competence
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
Afternoon Workshop
Moral Understanding, Virtue and Moral Competence
14 :00 – 15 :15 Miloud Belkoniene (Glasgow)
Fostering Understanding
15:30 – 16 :45 Paulina Sliwa (Vienna)
Moral Inquiry
17 :00 — 18:15 Bridget Clarke (Montana)
Virtue, Competence, and Being Oneself
University of Fribourg, Miséricorde,
Room: Salle Jäggi (MIS04 4112)
Organized by Ralf Bader and Maude Ouellette-Dubé
Everyone is welcoming, please register by email:
Workshop with Adrian Haddock (Stirling): Subjectivity and its Significance
Workshop: further information later.
Phenomenal Concepts and their (New) Applications
Phenomenal Concepts and their (New) Applications
Feb 21-22, 2023; Salle Jäggi
Talks by:
Martina Fürst (Graz)
Christiana Werner (Duisburg-Essen)
Martine Nida-Rümelin (Fribourg)
Julia Langkau (Geneva)
Julien Bugnon (Fribourg)
Conference “The Nature of Conscious Subjects and Their Experiences”
Conference “The Nature of Conscious Subjects and Their Experiences”
(More details will follow.)
Symposium with Robert Howell on his new book “Self-Awareness and The Elusive Subject”
Symposium with Robert Howell on his new book “Self-Awareness and The Elusive Subject”
Applications of Grounding Workshop (Part I)
This two-day workshop draws together researchers working on metaphysical grounding and its applications to areas such as ethics, philosophy of mind, wider issues in metaphysics, and philosophy of science.
Location: Trinity College Dublin. TRiSS Seminar Room, Floor 6.
Organisers: Alex Moran, Anandi Hattiangadi
in association with the Beyond Reductionism: Contingent Grounding Physicalism project, …
Workshop on Contemporary Philosophy
9:30-11:00 – Johannes Roessler (University of Warwick): “Centralism in Epistemology”
11:30-13:00 – Amir Saemi (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran): “Process-centered norms”
14:30-16:00 – Gianfranco Soldati (Université de Fribourg): “Inner perception and the first person”
To register, please write to:
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: CUSO Workshop on Normativity and Reasons
Call for Abstracts
Workshop with Ema Sullivan-Bissett and Adam Carter on Normativity and Reasons
Where: Crêt-Bérard (Vaud)
When: 28 January – 31 January 2024
We invite PhD students at universities affiliated with the CUSO (Unil, Unige, Unine, Unifr, Unibe) to submit an abstract for the upcoming CUSO workshop titled Normativity and Reasons. The …
Workshop with Elijah Chudnoff
Dear all
We kindly invite you to a forthcoming workshop with Elijah Chudnoff (University of Miami) that will take place on May 3rd and 4th.
Here is the program:
Friday, 3rd May – Espace Güggi, MIS08 0101
3:15-5pm: Elijah Chudnoff – The Role of Seemings in Deliberate Inference
Saturday, 4th May – Salle …
Applications of Grounding (Part II)
This workshops brings together a range of scholars working on first-order issues in philosophy within a metaphysical grounding framework. We will have talks on various topics, in for example meta-ethics, metaphysics, mind, and ancient philosophy, whereby what unifies the talks is a grounding-theoretic approach. Confirmed speakers include:
Ralf Bader (Fribourg)
Carlo Rossi …
CUSO Summer School with Gideon Rosen “Recent Work in the Metaphysics of Ethics”
The EPP Chair of the Université de Fribourg is organising a Summer School with Gideon Rosen (Princeton). The week-long summer school will focus on the metaphysics of morality, with a special focus on non-naturalist moral realism: the view that moral thought and discourse are concerned with real, mind-independent facts that …
Book Symposium: Matt Duncan’s “Present to the Mind: Acquaintance and Its Significance”
Dear all,
I am pleased to invite you to a book symposium on Matt Duncan’s Present to the Mind: Acquaintance and Its Significance, which will take place on August 10, 2024 at the University of Fribourg (Room MIS 10 01.04).
Matt Duncan will briefly present five chapters of …
Workshop: “Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind”
Room MIS04 4118
10.00 – 11.20: Vera Hoffman-Kolss (Universität Bern): “Indeterminate Prevention: A Supervaluationist Approach”
11.30 – 12.50: Alex Moran (Université de Fribourg): “The Possibility of Non-Reductive Physicalism”
Room MIS04 4122
14.30 – 15.50: Will Moorfoot (University of Southampton): “Zombie-proof physicalism and Mary’s revenge”
16.00 – 17.20: John Donaldson (University of Glasgow): “Does super-causation entail …