Workshop: Inferential Internalism
speakers: Pascal Engel (Geneva), Adam Leite (Indiana), Joshua Schechter (Brown), Crispin Wright (St Andrews and NYU), and others.
Organiser: Gian-Andri Toendury
Workshop: Intentionality and Consciousness
Charles Siewert (UC Riverside),
Rocco Gennaro (Indiana State University),
Terry Horgan (Arizona),
Kevin Mulligan (Geneva),
Manfred Frank (Tuebingen),
Frank Hofmann (Tuebingen),
Martine Nida-Ruemelin (Fribourg),
Fabian Dorsch (Fribourg/Geneva),
Gianfranco Soldati (Fribourg).
Organiser: Frank Hofman and Gianfranco Soldati
Workshop: Prodoc Workshop
Saturday 6th September
09.00-10.00 Akiko Frischhut (Geneva), The ontology of experiences
10.15-11.15 Patrice Soom (Lausanne), Reductionism in philosophy of mind
11.30-12.30 Johannes Stern (Geneva), Aboutness and Quantifying In: Some Negative Remark
14.30-15.30 Maksymilian Del Mar (Lausanne), The Silence of Social Normativity
15.45-16.45 Flavio Marelli (Fribourg) , The problem of perceptual …
Workshop: Metaphysics & Mind – Perception & Aesthetic Experience
– Thomas Crowther (Heythrop College London)
– Akiko Frischhut (Geneva & Glasgow)
– Matthew Soteriou (Warwick)
– Cain Todd (Lancaster)
Conference: Elisabetta Lalumera – Reason and Motivation
Monday Colloquium: Antonio Cimino – The Myth of the Given
Conference: Robert Hopkins – Factive Pictorial Experience: What’s Special about Photographs?
Conference: Igal Kvart – Probabilistic Knowledge and Perceptual Scepticism
Workshop: Normativity – with Tom Pink and Christian Piller
Workshop: Normativity
10.00 Tom Pink (KCL), Normativity and Reason
14.00 Christian Piller (York), The Normativity of Reasons and Rationality
The workshop addresses two keys perspectives on the nature of normativity. First, the question of what it is for a form of normativity to be a normativity of reason, where normativity here refers …
Monday Colloquium: Luca Angelone – Phenomenal Concepts
Monday Colloquium: Jean-Roch Lauper – How to Generate Vagueness with Standards and Comparisons
Conference: Josep Corbi – Principles, Guilt, and Character
Workshop: Phenomenal concepts and transparency of experience
Thursday, 18 June 2009
10-12 : Joseph Levine: “Reflections on the Phenomenal Concept Strategy”
14-16 : Martine Nida-Rümelin: “What is phenomenally given in color experience?”
16.20-18.20: Juan Suarez: “The need for explanations”
Friday, 19 June 2009
10-12 : David Papineau: “Phenomenal Concepts and Private Languages”
14-16 : Esa Diaz-Leon: “Tye on …
Workshop: Tyler Burge
Workshop: The Self
– Lucy O’Brien (UCL)
– Josep Corbi (Valencia)
– Fabian Dorsch (Fribourg)
– Sebastian Gardner (UCL)
– Richard Glauser (Lausanne)
– Michelle Montague (Oxford)
– Josep Prades (Girona)
– Galen Strawson (Reading)
Organisers:Fabian Dorsch, Gianfranco Soldati
Workshop: John McDowell
Workshop: Epistemology of Normativity
– Mike Brady (Glasgow)
– John Gibbons (Nebraska-Lincoln)
– Rob Hopkins (Sheffield)
– Mike Martin (UCL)
– David Owens (Sheffield)
– Alan Thomas (Kent)
– Robert Cowan (Glasgow)
– Cain Todd (Fribourg)
Organisers: Fabian Dorsch
Conference: Susanna Schellenberg – The Relational and Representational Character of Perceptual Experience
I argue that any account of perceptual experience should satisfy the following two desiderata. First, it should account for the particularity of perceptual experience, that is, it should account for the mind- independent object of an experience making a difference to individuating the experience. Second, it should explain the possibility …
Monday Colloquium: Jean-Roch Lauper – A Paradox of Higher-Order Vagueness
Workshop: Prodoc Workshop
Friday 2nd October
14.30-15.45 Federico Lauria, Is Desiring a counter-factual Belief ?
16.00-17.15 Akiko Frischhut, Metaphysical views on the specious present
Saturdary 3rd October
09.00-10.15 Jack Darach, Deictic Acts: Knowledge at the Root of Belief
10.30-11.45 Alain Pé-Curto, Value Calculus (Organic Unities)
14.00-15.15 Davide Fassio, How truth doesn’t govern belief
Monday Colloquium: Jiri Benovsky – Relational and substantival ontologies, and the nature and the role of primitives in ontological theories
Conference: L.A. Paul – Objects, Individuation and Quantum Mechanics
Monday Colloquium: Luca Angelone – Consciousness, Reflexive Content, and Subject Matter Fallacy
Monday Colloquium: Fabrice Theler – Representational Theories of Qualia
Workshop: Research Colloquium in Contemporary Philosophy
Research Colloquium in Contemporary Philosophy
Program :
Friday 11th December :
18.45 meeting in the “Salle du Bisse”
19.00 dinner
Saturday 12th December :
08.45 – 10.15 Jose Zalabardo,
Some problems with Nozick’s theory of knowledge
10.30 – 12.00 Coralie Dorsaz,
Perception and knowledge
21.00 – 22.30 Jacob Naito,
Occurrent thoughts
Sunday 13th …
Monday Colloquium: Maksymilian Del Mar – Normativity and Action
Conference: AlbertoVoltolini – Crossworks and Intrawork Identity’ of a Fictional Character
Conference: Fiktive Gegenstände, fiktionale Rede und Überzeugungszuschreibungen -Davor Bodrozic
More information:
Monday Colloquium: Fabrice Theler – Qualia and Phenomenal Externalism
Monday Colloquium: Laurent Cesalli – Théories médiévales des faits et des états de choses
Monday Colloquium: Emmanuel Baierlé – On Free Will
Monday Colloquium: Flavio Marelli – Self-Awareness and the Body
Monday Colloquium: Amanda Garcia – Can you imagine that? Limits of charity and imagination
Monday Colloquium: Akiko Frischhut – Instantaneous change experiences – a reply to Michael Pelczar
Workshop: What is phenomenally given in experience?
Monday June 2010
Jérôme Dokic
Fiona Macpherson
Michelle Montague – Consciosu Occurrent Thought
Tudesday 8 June 2010
Daniel Stoljar – Me against Phenomenal Force
Galen Strawson – Real Direct Realism
Pär Sundström
Wednesday 9 June 2010
Amy Kind – Imaginative Presence
Alexander …
Workshop: Consciousness and the Phenomenology of Acting and Thinking – with Terry Horgan
The workshop will have three sessions of 2.5 hours where Prof. Terry horgan will discuss his work with us.
1) Cognitive Phenomenology (recommended article: ‘From Agentive Phenomenology to Cognitive Phenomenology: A Guide for the Perplexed’)
2) Agentive Phenomenology (recommended article: ‘Causal Compatibilism about Agentive Phenomenology’)
3) Phenomenal Epistemology (recommended article: Phenomenal Epistemology: What …
Conference: Terry Horgan – From Agentive Phenomenology to Cognitive Phenomenology: A Guide for the Perplexed
Monday Colloquium: Andrea Giananti
Workshop: Jonathan Lowe
Conference: Jonathan Lowe – Responsiveness to Reasons: A Non-Causal Account
Workshop: ProDoc Workshp
Friday October 29 :
– 12.00 lunch (informal, for those who arrive in the morning)
– 19.00 dinner (all together, we meet directly in the hotel’s restaurant, ask at the reception where it is)
Saturday October 30 :
– 09.00-10.15 Jonathan Lowe (Durham)
– 10.30-12.00 Paul Roth (UC Santa Cruz)
– …
Monday Colloquium: Martine Nida-Rümelin
Monday Colloquium: Jacob Naïto
Monday Colloquium: Jean Bohnert
Monday Colloquium: Gianfranco Soldati
Workshop: PhD Students Workshop
Saturday 19:
18-20: Davor
Sunday 20 :
9-11: Masha
11-13: Coralie
17-19: Patrik Engish
Monday 21 :
11-13: Cain
Tuesday 22:
9-11: Luca
Monday Colloquium: Emmanuel Baierlé – Newcomb’s paradox and the inconsistency of classical compatibilism
Seminar: Ernest Sosa
Monday, 28.3.11: 13.15 to 15.00
Monday, 28.3.11: 17.15 to 19.00
Tuesday, 29.3.11: 13.15 to 15.00, and 15:15 to 19:00
Wednesday 30.3.11: 13.15 to 15.00, and 17.15 to 19.00
Workshop: Prodoc Workshop
Monday Colloquium: Baptiste Le Bihan
Monday Colloquium: Jean-Roch Lauper
Conference: Gianfranco Soldati – Zur Rolle der Erfahrung im ästhetischen Urteil
Monday Colloquium: Hannes Mathiessen
Monday Colloquium: Coralie Dorsaz – Defeasibility and knowledge
Workshop: Emotion, Self and Time
The conference speakers are:
Simon Blackburn (University of Cambridge)
Michael Brady (University of Glasgow)
Greg Currie (University of Nottingham)
Peter Goldie (University of Manchester)
Adam Morton (University of Alberta)
Sabine Roeser (Delft University of Technology)
Nancy Sherman (Georgetown University)
Gianfranco Soldati (University of Fribourg/Freiburg)
Organisers:Cain Todd, Julien Deonna
Seminar: Robert Hopkins
Monday Colloquium: Luca Angelone
Workshop: PhD Students Workshop
Sunday 19 June :
17-19: Andrea
Monday 20 June:
9-11 : Thomas
11-13: Emiliano
17-19: Luca
Tuesday 21 June:
9-11: Jacob
11-13: Cain
17-19: Julien
Workshop: Prodoc Workshop
Saturday September 24 :
– 09.15-10.30 Jacob Naito (Fribourg)
– 10.45-12.00 Pietro Snider (Lausanne)
– 12.00 lunch
– 14.00-15.15 Damiano Costa (Geneva)
– 15.30-16.45 Franziska Müller (Fribourg)
Sunday September 25 :
– 09.15-10.30 Emmanuel Baierlé (Fribourg)
– 10.45-12.00 Jakob Sprickerhof (Lausanne)
Monday Colloquium: Gianfranco Soldati
Monday Colloquium: Richard Glauser
Workshop: The Significance of Phenomenological Research in Philosophical Theorizing
Friday, 11th of November 2011
10:00 – 12:00
Bence Nanay (Cambridge, UK / Antwerp) Perceptual Phenomenology
Comment: Andrea Giananti
14:00 – 16:00
Naomi Eilan (Warwick) The paradox of aspects switches–a paradigm ‘hard problem’
Comment: Flavio Marelli
16:30 – 18:30
Elijah Chudnoff (Miami) Phenomenal Monism
Comment: Jacob Naito
Saturday, 12th of November 2011
10:00 – 12:00
Monday Colloquium: Frédéric Lelong
Monday Colloquium: Martine Nida-Rümelin
Workshop: The Normative Significance of Consciousness
Saturday, 10 December 2011
15:00 – 16:45:
Alan Millar (Stirling) Experiential Awareness and Access to Reasons
17:15 – 19:00 :
Gianfranco Soldati (Fribourg) Direct Realism and Immediate Justification
Sunday, 11 December 2011
10:00 – 11:45
Nico Silins (Cornell) Consciousness, Attention, and Justification
14:00 – 15:45
Frank Hofmann (Luxembourg) Why Consciousness Matters …
Workshop: Chalk Talk with Siewert and Chudnoff
Workshop: Philosophy of Time
Speakers :
Robert Hopkins (University of Sheffield)
L. A. Paul (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Fabrice Correia (University of Geneva) and Sven Rosenkranz (University of Barcelona)
Barry Dainton (University of Liverpool)
Vincent Lam (University of Queensland)
Catharine Abell (University of Manchester)
Commentators :
Jiri Benovsky
Akiko Frischhut
Baptiste Le Bihan
Monday Colloquium: Anne Meylan – Solving the problem of doxastic responsibility. Why non-volitionalism does not help.
Monday Colloquium: Davor Bodrozic – Structural Justification
Monday Colloquium: Flavio Marelli – Two Problems of Bodily Agency
Monday Colloquium: Michael Sollberger – Having your mind within my introspective reach: a crazy idea?
Monday Colloquium: Cain Todd
Monday Colloquium: Patrik Engisch – Singular Thought Without Acquaintance?
Habilitationsvortrag: What is Normatively Prior? Reasons or Norms? Some Rationalist Considerations – Fabian Dorsch
Workshop: Current Issues in Philosophy – with Tim Crane and Bill Brewer
Workshop: Current Issues in Philosophy
Tim crane: “Psychologism”
Bill Brewer: Endurance and Objectivity
Monday Colloquium: Damiano Costa – Derivative Location
Conference: Derk Pereboom – Free Will Skepticism, Blame, and Obligation
Conference: Derk Pereboom – Nonreductive Physicalism and Mental Compositional Properties
Monday Colloquium: Christiaan Remmelzwaal – Spinoza on desire and value judgement
Monday Colloquium: Hamid Taieb – Aristotelian Relatives and Brentanian Intentionality
Conference: Patrick Todd – Intrinsicality and Modality: A Counterexample that Breaks the Spirit – and Some Lessons for Metametaphysics
Monday Colloquium:Jean Bohnert – Metaethical sentimentalism and rationality
Monday Colloquium: Franziska Müller – The Problem with Minimal Actions
Workshop: PhD Students Workshop
Monday Colloquium: Andrea Giananti – A defence of representationalism
Workshop: Self-awareness – with Joe Levine
Pause from 12h00 to 14h00
Workshop: Réflexion sur les outils de la philosophie
Vendredi 5 octobre 2012
10.00 – 11.15 Martine Nida-Ruemelin
11.30 – 12.45 Joe levine
14.45 – 16.00 Fabrice Correia
16.15 – 17.30 Paolo Crivelli
Organisers: Jiri Benovsky, Martine Nida-Ruemelin, Paolo Crivelli
Monday Colloquium: David Jolidon – Can we experience time alone?
Seminar: ProDoc Seminar – Doings, minimal action and self-awareness
Workshop: Agency and Self-Knowledge – with Lucy O’Brien
“Agency and Self-Knowledge”
Wednesday, 7th November 2012
10.15-12.00 and 14.15-16.00
University of Fribourg, Miséricorde
Room MIS10 – 2.01 (new building, Rue de Rome 1, vis-à-vis Miséricorde)
Monday Colloquium: Graham Peebles – Perception, Acquaintance, and Description
Workshop: The Phenomenology of Agency – with Susanna Siegel
Monday Colloquium: Marion Hämmerli
Seminar: ProDoc Seminar – Doings, minimal action and self-awareness
Workshop: Antirealism in Metaethics
Antirealism in Metaethics: Program
Monday, December 10:
Night in Geneva
Tuesday, December 11:
08.45-09.15: Welcome session
09.15-10.45: Jussi Suikkanen
11.00-12.30: Don Loeb
12.30-14.15: Lunch
14.15-16.00: Matthew Chrisman
16.15-18.00: James Dreier
20.00: Dinner
Night in Geneva
Wednesday, December 12:
Train Geneva-Fribourg
12.15-13.30: Lunch
13.30-16.00: James Dreier and Matthew Chrisman
16.30-18.00: …
Seminar: ProDoc Seminar – Doings, minimal action and self-awareness
Workshop: Prodoc Workshop
Monday January 28 :
09.30-10.30 Jacob Naito (Fribourg), “Mental Action”
10.45-11.45 Pietro Snider (Lausanne), “Why Feeling? From Turing Machines to Feeling Machines”
14.00-15.00 Salim Hirèche (Geneva), “Modality, essence, and dispositions”
15.15-16.15 Emmanuel Baierlé (Fribourg), “Agentive Phenomenology”
Tuesday January 29 :
09.30-10.30 David Jolidon (Fribourg), “Specious Present and his content”
10.45-11.45 Hannes …
Monday Colloquium: Santiago Echeverri – Cognitive Value Without Modes of Presentation
According to an orthodox view, co-referential expressions like “Hesperus” and “Phosphorus” are associated with different modes of presentation. This explains why a competent and rational speaker who finds the sentence “Hesperus is Hesperus” trivial can find the sentence “Hesperus is Phosphorus” informative. This paper introduces a pragmatist account based on …
Monday Colloquium: Cain Todd – Evaluative Attitudes and Thick Concepts
Seminar: Simon Blackburn – Pragmatism, Representation and Semantic Theory
Block seminar with Simon Blackburn.
18.03.2013 10:15-12:00 MIS03 3014
18.03.2013 15:15-16:00 MIS03 3016
19.03.2013 10:15-16:00 MIS03 3014
20.03.2013 10:15-16:00 MIS03 3014
21.03.2013 10:15-16:00 MIS03 3014
22.03.2013 10:15-16:00 MIS03 3014
Conference: Simon Blackburn – Science and the Humanities: the case of human nature
There is a general view that developments in experimental psychology, neurophysiology, and associated life sciences are superseding the kind of understandings the humanities have offered us, as a guide to human nature.
In this talk I ask whether this is true, and develop some reasons for caution.
Après-midi philosophique avec les collégiens
More information:
Monday Colloquium: Graham Peebles
Monday Colloquium: Pietro Snider – Feeling, Causation and Valence
Seminar: Uriah Kriegel – Non-Perceptual Phenomenology
Monday 15.04.2013
10.15-12.00 Room: MIS03 3014
15.15-17.00 Room: MIS03 3016
Uriah Kriegel –Varities, Intro. The Primitives of Phenomenology
(Brentano – (1874) Psychology II,Chapter V)
(Brentano – (1874) Psychology II,Chapter VI)
Tuesday 16.04.2013
10.15-12.00 Room: MIS03 3014
15.15-17.00 Room: MIS10 01.13
David Pitt – The phenomenology of …
Monday Colloquium: Regina-Nino Kurg – Husserl’s Theory of Image Consciousness
Monday Colloquium: Damiano Costa – Transcendentalism about Persistence
Monday Colloquium: Andrea Giananti – Perception, Phenomenal Character and Particularity
Workshop: Intuitions – with Elijah Chudnoff
Workshop: “Intuitions” – with Elijah Chudnoff
University of Fribourg, Miséricorde,
Salle Jäggi (4112)
Monday 27.05.2013
10:15 – 11:15 Elijah Chudnoff ‘Intuition Experience’
11:15 – 12:15 Discussion/Comments
12:30 – 14:15 Lunch
14:15 – 15:15 Elijah Chudnoff ‘Intuitive Justification’
15:15 – 18:00 Discussion/Comments
18:45 Dinner
Tuesday 28.05.2013
10:15 – 11:15 Elijah Chudnoff ‘Intuitive Knowledge’
11:15 …
Workshop: Subjectivity and justification – with Naomi Eilan and Johannes Roessler
Friday 31. May,
Organiser: Prof. G. Soldati
Conference: The Phenomenology and Epistemology of Free Will
Sunday, 16.6.13, Gutenberg-Museum, Saal Gemperlin:
15:00 – 16:15 – Timothy O’Connor – Taking Seriously the Experience of Conscious Willing
16:30 – 17:45 – Richard Swinburne – The Impossibility of Proving Determinism
18:30 Dinner
Monday, 17.6.13 Miséricorde, Room 2122 A+B:
9:45 – 11:00 – Tim Bayne – Disagreement about the Phenomenology of Free Will
11:15 …
Workshop: The Philosophy of Photography
Speakers :
Rob Hopkins
Gregory Currie
Robin Le Poidevin
Dawn Wilson
Dominic Lopes
Mikael Pettersson
For organizational reasons, anyone who wishes to participate should subscribe in advance (as soon as possible, please) by contacting
For more information:
Workshop: Perceptual Experiences – with Robert Hopkins and Mohan Matthen
Workshop: Perceptual Experiences
Robert Hopkins (Sheffield / New York)
Mohan Matthen (Toronto)
Martine Nida-Rümelin (Fribourg)
Saturday 29.06.2013, 10.00-18.00h
Robert Hopkins, “Episodic memory and mental time travel”
Mohan Matthen, “Active Perception and the Representation of Space”
Martine Nida-Rümelin, “In what way does perception provide direct access to the world around us?”
University of …
Workshop: Teleosemantics – The Natural and the Normative – with Karen Neander
Workshop with Karen Neander (Duke University)
“The Natural and the Normative”
Friday, 5th of July, 09:30 – 18:30 and Saturday, 6th of July, 09:00 – 18:00
University of Fribourg, Miséricorde, Salle Jäggi (MIS04 4112)
Please register by sending a message to
Friday, 5.6.2013, Salle Jaeggi (room 4112)
09:30-10:00 Karen Neander
Conference: The New Evil Demon Problem
The New Evil Demon Problem
Rationality, Knowledge and the Internal
The conference is part of the “Programme doctoral romand en philosophie” funded by the CUSO. It includes a methodological activity on Scientific Communication on the Web.
Organisers: Julien Dutant, Fabian Dorsch
Monday Colloquium: Franziska Müller – I was not aware I was doing that
Workshop: The Normative Mind – with David Owens
Conference: The Geometry of the Visual Field
This conference is part of the ProDoc Research Module 10: “Experience of space and time” which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation ( Its idea is to bring together philosophers with an interest in early modern theory of vision, particularly scholars working on Thomas Reid’s Geometry of Visibles, …
Monday Colloquium: Véronique Zanetti – ‘Das mag in der Theorie richtig sein, taugt aber nicht für die Praxis’. Wie brauchbar ist eine ideale Theorie der humanitären Intervention?
Monday Colloquium: Anne Meylan – The Normativity of Justification
Conference: 1st Annual Meeting of the European Normativity Network
The programme is now online.
Monday Colloquium: Pablo Carnino – How not to ground explanation?
Monday Colloquium: Florian Wüstholz – First-Person Content
CANCELED Conference: Clas Weber – Self-locating Beliefs
The conference is canceled.
Workshop: Cognitive Phenomenology
Monday the 25th of November (MIS04 4112 (Salle Jäggi))
09:45 – 11:00 Elijah Chudnoff ‘Arguments for Cognitive Phenomenology.’
11:15 – 12:30 Fabian Dorsch ‘Attitudinal Phenomenology and the Phenomenal Presence of Reasons’
12:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:45 Tim Bayne ‘The Puzzle of Cognitive Phenomenology’
16:00 – 17:15 Anne Meylan ‘Epistemic Emotions: …
Monday Colloquium: Jacob Naïto – Conscious belief
Monday Colloquium: Patrik Engisch – The Varieties of Singularity
Candoc Colloquium 2014 : A ProDoc Workshop
More information:
Monday Colloquium: Aurélien Darbellay (Barcelona) – Social Kind and Collective Action
Monday Colloquium: Anders Nes (Oslo) – Perception of Object Persistence and the Relationism-Intentionalism Debate
Our perception of persisting things is typically a perception of them as persisting. This shows up notably in our perception of things as moving (e.g. seeing a car driving past) or as being at rest (e.g. watching a coin lying in a display case): in either case, our perceptual awareness …
Monday Colloquium: Erasmus Mayr (Oxford)
Workshop “Mind and World. Issues in Contemporary Philosophy”
More info:
Monday Colloquium: Fabrice Correia (Neuchâtel) – More on the Reduction of Necessity to Essence
Workshop on Delusions
More information:
Monday Colloquium: Hans-Johann Glock (Zürich) – What are Concepts?
Monday Colloquium: Laura Schroeter & François Schroeter (Melbourne)
Monday Colloquium: Fabrice Teroni (Bern) – On Seeming to Remember
Talk by David Chalmers
Workshop with David Chalmers
Monday Colloquium: Anita Avramides (Oxford) – Other Minds: Understanding the Perceptual Model
1st EXRE-EIDOS-LOGOS Graduate Conference in Philosophy
More information:
Workshop: Experience and Reality
Speakers :
Fabrice Correia (University of Neuchâtel)
Gianfranco Soldati (University of Fribourg)
Jiri Benovsky (University of Fribourg)
Coralie Dorsaz (University of Fribourg)
Akiko Frischhut (University of Geneva)
Jean Bohnert (University of Fribourg)
The World As I Found It – Workshop on Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
With: José Zalabardo (UCL), Kevin Mulligan (Geneva), Michael Morris (Sussex)
Wednesday Colloquium: Adrien Glauser
Wednesday Colloquium: Davor Bodrozic & Magnus Frei
Wednesday Colloquium: Robin Le Poidevin (Leeds) – Minds, Space, and the Puzzle of Coincident Objects
‘No two physical objects can occupy exactly the same place at the same time’; ‘No physical object can be in two places at once’: two intuitive principles, but if they are true, what explains their truth? They do not appear just to be trivial truths. Perhaps the most …
Wednesday Colloquium: Fabrice Theler – La nature particulière et générale de la perception
Workshop on Perception and Phenomenology
More information:
Wednesday Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene
Wednesday Colloquium: Maria Scarpati – Individuals in the Haecceitism Debate
Meeting the Author IV: Conor McHugh (Southampton)
Wednesday Colloquium: Jiri Benovsky
Wednesday Colloquium: Işık Sarıhan (CEU/UniFR) – Towards a solution to the mind-body problem
MIS 4122
Wednesday Colloquium: Nadja El Kassar (ETHZ) – Dealing with ignorance
MIS 4122
Wednesday Colloquium: Akiko Frischhut (Unige) – The True Self as State of Mind
Wednesday Colloquium: Olivier Massin (UniGe) – Colours as dependent stuffs
MIS 4122
Wednesday Colloquium: Rebekka Hufendiek (UniBas) – Naturalism, Genealogy and the Origin of Justice
MIS 4122
Wednesday Colloquium: Christiaan Remmelzwaal (UniNe) – An introduction to Spinoza’s theory of emotion
Workshop: Mind and Knowledge
Salle Jäggi (MIS4112)
More info:
Wednesday Colloquium: David Wörner (UZH) – Locke’s Anti-Essentialism
MIS 4122
Wednesday Colloquium: Anne Meylan
MIS 4122
Intentionality and the Primacy of Metaphysics – Master seminar with Christopher Peacocke
Morning session: 10–12
Afternoon session: 14–18
The morning sessions will be papers by Peacocke (we shall read them before), the afternoon session by us—and some external people I shall invite.
Description by Christopher Peacocke:
I will begin by offering some general arguments for the conclusion that the metaphysics of a domain is …
Intentionality and the Primacy of Metaphysics – Master seminar with Christopher Peacocke
Morning session: 10–12
Afternoon session: 14–18
The morning sessions will be papers by Peacocke (we shall read them before), the afternoon session by us—and some external people I shall invite.
Description by Christopher Peacocke:
I will begin by offering some general arguments for the conclusion that the metaphysics of a domain is …
Workshop on Moral Rationalism
13.00: Sarah Buss (Michigan): Imperatives moral, prudential and rational.
15:00: Karl Schafer (Pittsburgh): Kantian Constitutivism about Reasons: The Priority of Understanding.
CUSO Workshop on Intentionality and Non-Existence
With: Kris McDaniel, Francesco Berto, Richard Woodward, Alberto Voltolini, Peter Simons, and tbc.
Workshop «Intentionality, Singularity, and Object Dependence»
Room: MIS2120
09:15–10:00: Patrik Engisch, « The Varieties of Singularity »
10:00–10:30: Q&A
10:30–10:45: Break
10:45–11:30: Gianfranco Soldati, « Intentionality and Singularity”
11:30–12:00: Q&A
14:00–14:45: Alberto Voltolini (Torino), « The Singularity of Experiences and Thought » 14:45-15:15: Q&A
15:15-15:30: Break
15:30-17:00: General discussion
Wednesday Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene – Beliefs and Explanations. Room 4124
Workshop with Bill Brewer and Heather Logue
Bill Brewer (King’s College London)
Visual Experience, Revelation, and the Three R’s
Heather Logue (Leeds University)
The Epistemology of Aesthetic Properties
MIS04 4122 (Salle Jäggi)
Andrea Giananti (
Prof. Gianfranco Soldati
Wednesday Colloquium: Adrien Zanarelli – Buddhist philosophy and the problem of personal identity
Wednesday Colloquium: Adrien Zanarelli – Buddhist philosophy and the problem of personal identity
Wednesday Colloquium
Reasons, Explanations and Rational Accountability
A two-day workshop with Constantine Sandis, Frank Hofmann, Maria Alvarez, Ulrike Heuer and Magnus Frei. – Programme:
November 6 (Miséricorde, MIS08, 0102):
14.00h “Treating Others as Accountable”
Magnus Frei (Fribourg)
16.00h”Citing Inadequate Reasons”
Constantine Sandis (Hertfordshire)
November 7 (Miséricorde, MIS04, 4122 (Salle Jaeggi)):
10.15h”Responsibility and Control”
Ulrike Heuer (Leeds)
14.00h”Beliefs, Accountability, and Control”
Maria …
Seminar with Charles Siewert – Consciousness and Self-Consciousness
Thursday Nov 12. 15:15-17:00. (MIS03 3027 )
What is consciousness ? How is it related to self-consciousness?
Seminar with Charles Siewert – Consciousness and Self-Consciousness
Friday Nov 13. 10:15-12:00. (MIS08 0102)
Against higher-order thought accounts.
Friday Nov 13. 15:15-17:00. (MIS08 0102)
Against inner sense and self-representational theories.
Seminar with Charles Siewert – Consciousness and Self-Consciousness
Monday Nov 16. 10:15-12:00. (MIS08 0102)
State-reflexive self-consciousness as reflective attention.
Monday Nov 16. 15:15-17:00. (MIS08 0102)
Is there a consciousness of self?
Seminar with Charles Siewert – Consciousness and Self-Consciousness
Tuesday Nov 17. 10:15-12:00. (MIS08 0102)
The Problem of Primitive Self-Consciousness.
Tuesday Nov 17. 15:15-17:00. (MIS08 0102)
Self-Consciousness and Self-Constitution.
The Phenomenology and Metaphysics of Thoughts
Charles Siewert “On the Cognitive Richness of Experience: Phenomenal Thought”
Tim Crane “Obstacles to the Recognition of Cognitive Phenomenology: the Significance of Behaviourism”
Joe Levine “What Is Conscious Thinking?”
Seminar with Philip Goff: Consciousness in the physical world
Seminar with Philip Goff: Consciousness in the physical world
Seminar with Philip Goff: Consciousness in the physical world
Seminar with Philip Goff: Consciousness in the physical world
Wednesday Colloquium
Intentionality and the First Person: Workshop with Johannes Brandl (Salzburg)
Location: Beauregard BQC 2.518
09:15–10:00: Florian Wüstholz (Unifr): Why self-ascription has to be primitive
10:00–10:45: Johannes Brandl (Salzburg): Reply & Discussion
11:00–11:45: Gianfranco Soldati (Unifr): Reply & Discussion
13:45–15:00: Patrik Engisch (Unifr): Meinongian and Quasi-Meinongian Intentionality
15:15–16:15: Andrea Giananti (Unifr): Perceptual Knowledge and Self-Knowledge: Rescuing Epistemological Disjunctivism from the Basis Problem
17:15–19:00: …
Wednesday Colloquium: Johannes Brandl (Salzburg) – Self-Reference and First-Person Authority
Phenomenology of Agency and Free Will
10h15 (MIS04 4112 Salle Jäggi)
Terry Horgan (University of Arizona)
“Injecting the Phenomenology of Agency into the Free Will Debate”
12h Lunch break
14h15 (MIS03 3027)
Jean-Baptiste Guillon (Collège de France)
“Knowledge from Experience and the Question of Compatibilism”
15h30 Coffee break
16h (MIS03 3027)
Péter Rauschenberger (Budapest)
“The Dogma of Physical Closure”
17h15 Round …
EXRE Colloquium:
EXRE Colloquium:
Animal Ethics and Law in Life Sciences
More Info:
Contact and registration:
EXRE Colloquium:
EXRE Colloquium:
EXRE Colloquium:
EXRE Colloquium:
Workshop with Terry Horgan (University of Arizona) and David Pitt (California State University, LA)
EXRE Colloquium:
EXRE Colloquium: Filip Karfik (Unifr) “Plotinus’ Answer to the Soul-Body Problem in Enneads VI.4”
Lake Geneva Graduate Conference
Topic: Explanation, broadly conceived
Colloquium: Modes ¦ Contents
More info:
Fribourg: Bild/Picture Workshop
See here or the attachment for more information.
Normativity Workshop
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): Mental Causation and Russellian Monism
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): Physicalism, Subjective Physicalism and Panpsychism
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): The Presentation Argument and Property Intensionalism
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): Acquaintance, Properties and The Knowledge Argument
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): The Knowledge Argument and The Self
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): Phenomenal Me-ness
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): Self-Ascription, Transparency and Desires
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): Self-Reference and Self-Awareness
Workshop with Robert Howell (Dallas): Discussion *Room MIS11 2.102 Laure Dupraz*
EXRE Colloquium
Uriah Kriegel “Brentano’s Dual-Framing Theory of Consciousness”
Workshop Self-Awareness
EXRE Colloquium
EXRE Colloquium
Joint International Conference on Rational Capacities
Co-organized by the Institute of Philosophy, University of Luxembourg, and the Department of Philosophy, Saarland University.
Rebekka Gersbach
Alex Gregory
Frank Hofmann
Christoph Kelp
Daniel Löwenstein
Susanne Mantel
Thomas Pink
Eva Schmidt
Daniel Star
Barbara Vetter
Time schedule:
Monday 14 Nov.:
9.30-11.00 Daniel Star, “Normative ignorance, responsibility, and moral worth”
11.15-12.45 …
EXRE Colloquium
Intentionality and Consciousness. From Austrian to Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
Up to date programm:
Friday 25 November 2016
Location: Centre culturel de l’Ancienne Gare, Fribourg
09:15–10:00 Peter Andras Varga (Budapest), “Husserl’s Position in the Controversy between Sigwart and the School of Brentano over Existential Judgements (1893-1918)”
10:00–10:30 Q&A
10:30–10:45 Coffee Break
10:45–11:30 Marta Jorba (Girona), “On the Nature of the Perceptual and …
Aesthetics Research Group – Inaugural Meeting
Workshop with Greg Currie and Peter Lamarque.
Further information, including the full programme, can be found here:
EXRE Colloquium: Janko Nesic (Belgrade) “Individual Awareness”
EXRE Colloquium
EXRE Colloquium
(Cancelled) EXRE Colloquium: Roberta Locatelli (Fribourg) “The Argument from Superficiality against Relationalism”
EXRE Colloquium: Jan Deckers (Newcastle) “Should the Consumption of Animal Products Be Banned?”
(in collaboration with the Ethics colloquium)
EXRE Colloquium: Philipp Blum (Lucerne) “The Looks of Things”
(Abstract) When the stick appears bent and sugar looks red, bentness and redness
may be and have been attributed to their appearances, to how things
appear to me, to what they appear to me to be, or to the way I am
appeared to by them. I argue that this …
EXRE Colloquium: Roberta Locatelli (Fribourg) “The Argument from Superficiality against Relationalism”
EXRE Colloquium: Micha Gläser (Zurich) “The Normative Structure of Request”
EXRE Colloquium: Lisa Broussois (Lausanne) “Individual Responsibilities in a Warming World Convergence Between Climate Ethics and Animal Ethics”
(Talk in collaboration with the Ethics colloquium)
Climate ethics and animal ethics have developed mostly in mutual ignorance and sometimes even in opposition to one another. Most climate ethics scholars support an anthropocentric theory: Whether they defend a deontological (Caney), a utilitarian (Broome), or a virtue ethics (Jamieson) approach, they …
EXRE Colloquium: Diego Machuca (CONICET, Argentina) “Agrippan Pyrrhonism, Questionable Assumptions, and the Epistemic Challenge of Disagreement”
EXRE Colloquium: Andrea Giananti (Fribourg) “The Intractable Problem of Perception and Reason”
Workshop with Elijah Chudnoff (Miami) “The Phenomenology and Epistemology of Intuitions”
Workshop for MA students – open to everyone
EXRE Colloquium: Elijah Chudnoff (Miami) “How Might the Phenomenology of Intuition Inform the Epistemology of Intuition?”
EXRE Colloquium: Damiano Costa (Fribourg) “Six Ways of Being in Time”
Workshop on Observational Properties
Programme :
Friday 8
09.30 -11.00 Maarten Steenhagen (Cambridge) ‘Mere Appearances’
11.00 -12.30 Philipp Blum (Luzern) ‘Believing in Appearances’
14.00 -15.30 Olivier Massin (Zürich) ‘Colours and Shapes’
15.30 -17.00 Roberta Locatelli (Tübingen/Fribourg) ‘The Superficiality of Observational Properties’
17.15 -18:45 Keith Allen (York) ‘Bridging the Gap? Transcendental Naive Realism and the …
Workshop on Observational Properties
Programme :
Friday 8
09.30 -11.00 Maarten Steenhagen (Cambridge) ‘Mere Appearances’
11.00 -12.30 Philipp Blum (Luzern) ‘Believing in Appearances’
14.00 -15.30 Olivier Massin (Zürich) ‘Colours and Shapes’
15.30 -17.00 Roberta Locatelli (Tübingen/Fribourg) ‘The Superficiality of Observational Properties’
17.15 -18:45 Keith Allen (York) ‘Bridging the Gap? Transcendental Naive Realism and the …
Book Symposium on Kathleen Stock’s new book “Only Imagine”
Book Symposium on Kathleen Stock’s new book “Only Imagine”
CUSO Autumn school «Sujets conscients et rationnels en tant qu’entités biologiques»
with Arnaud Dewalque (Université de Liège)
CUSO Autumn school «Sujets conscients et rationnels en tant qu’entités biologiques»
with Arnaud Dewalque (Université de Liège)
CUSO Autumn school «Sujets conscients et rationnels en tant qu’entités biologiques»
with Arnaud Dewalque (Université de Liège)
EXRE Colloquium: Inner Speech and Self-Knowledge – Daniel Gregory (Australian National University)
Lake Geneva Graduate Conference
9.00-10.15 Gianfranco Soldati (Fribourg, CH) “Conative Transparency”
10.15-10.45 Coffee & Croissants break
10.45-11.30Maik Niemeck (Freiburg, DE) “How to Account for the Subjective
Character of Experience?”
11.30-12.15 Samuel D. Warren (Western Michigan University), “Byrne’s Bouletic
Schema: When is it Defeated?”
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.45 Lucy O’Brien (University College London) …
Workshop with Lucy O’Brien
14.00-15.00 Mario Schärli “I think, I am, and God necessarily exists — an Inquiry about Existence-Arguments”
15.00-15.15 Break
15.15-16.15 Donnchadh O’Conaill, “'Acting in the Light of Reasons'”
16.15-16.30 Break
16.30-17.30 Davood Bahjat Fumani “How Do You Know What You Know about your mind?”
EXRE Colloquium: Kant on the Supersensible Grounds of Our Experience: a Reply to Jacobi – Houston Smit (University of Arizona)
EXRE Colloquium: Éthique du care et particularisme moral: la question de l’allaitement maternel – Layla Raïd (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
EXRE Colloquium: Thin Atomism – Alain Pe-Curto (Geneva)
EXRE Colloquium: Does Nationhood Promote Egalitarian Justice? Challenging the National Identity Argument – Nils Holtug (Copenhagen)
According to the national identity argument, a shared national identity promotes social cohesion and in particular trust and solidarity, which is again required for egalitarian redistribution. I criticize the argument, suggesting both that the theoretical reasons for accepting it are unconvincing and that it is not supported by the available …
Workshop with Sebastian Watzl on Attention
Workshop on Attention
with Sebastian Watzl (Oslo)
Monday November 20th
Morning: MIS04 4112 / Salle Jäggi
9:00-10:30 Structuring Mind
11:00-12:00 Phenomenal Structures
Afternoon: MIS08 0102 (rue de Rome 6)
14:00-15:15 Awareness of Attending
15:45-17:00 Attention and Consciousness
EXRE Colloquium: Two Problems of the Essential Indexical – Gregory Bochner (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Both Perry (1979) and Lewis (1979) had introduced the problem of the essential indexical (PEI) as a problem that de se attitudes in particular would raise for the doctrine propositions (DOP), which analyses attitudes like beliefs as two-place relations between a subject and a proposition. But recently, a growing number …
Conference: Stephan Schmid (Hamburg) “Two Kinds of Grounding? Suárez on Natural Resultance and Foundation”
Contact: Mario Schärli.
EXRE Colloquium: »In einem Gespinst von Dunst, Einbildung, Träumerei und Konjunktiven« — The Pertinence of Fallibility, Sensibility, and Finitude to Modality – Mario Schärli
Conference: Martin Gibert (Montreal) “Imagination and Moral Perception”
EXRE Colloquium: Fiction, Imagination, and Normativity – Patrik Engisch
Conference on Fiction and Imagination
Masterclass on Truth and Assertion with Manuel Garcia-Carpintero
Workshop Epistemic and Practical Rationality
8:30-10:00 Hanti Lin (UC Davis) – Modes of Convergence to the Truth: Steps toward a Better Epistemology of Induction
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Miloud Belkoniene (University of Fribourg), Patryk Dziurosz-Serafinowicz (University of Gdansk) – The Interplay between Credence and Outright Belief at the Level of Rational Decisions
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:00 Mélanie Sarzano (University of Basel) …
Workshop Epistemic and Practical Rationality
10:30-12:00 Veli Mitova (University of Johannesburg) – Warping Reasons and Shaming People
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:00 Marie van Loon (University of Basel) – TBA
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Anne Meylan (University of Basel) – Exception for Belief!
Contact: Miloud Belkoniene (
EXRE Colloquium: Adrien Glauser (Fribourg) “Same-thinking without objects”
EXRE Colloquium: Emmanuel Baierlé (Fribourg) “How to treat robots”
EXRE Colloquium: Maude Ouellette-Dubé (Fribourg) “On moral understanding”
EXRE talk: Daniel Gregory (Fribourg) “Mind-Reading and Legal Decision-Making”
EXRE Colloquium: Philipp Blum (Lucerne) “The Sceptic and the Stoic”
MA-Seminar: John Campbell
MA-Seminar: John Campbell
EXRE Colloquium: Martine Nida-Rümelin & Julien Bugnon (Fribourg) “Identity over time and prudential rationality”
EXRE talk in ethics: Federica Basaglia (University of Konstanz) “The Role of Empathic Feelings in Kantian Moral Philosophy, especially with Regard to the Justification of Indirect Duties towards Animals”
EXRE Colloquium: Donnchadh O’Conaill (Fribourg) “Temporal Modes of Presentation and the Experience of Passage”
It is often claimed that in perception we experience temporal passage; that is, we experience times or events as passing from the future into the present and then into the past. The experience of passage is often cited as a reason to believe that tense is a feature of …
MA-Seminar with Prof. Joseph Almog (University of Turku, Finland)
Monday 14 May:
10.15 – 12.00 h, MIS08 0101 (Espace Güggi)
13.30 – 17.30 h, MIS08 0101 (Espace Güggi)
Our arc covers developments from Descartes and Kant and all the way to contemporary direct reference doctrines. Throughout we track the question—how is [singular] thinking possible?
In Descartes and Kant, we find attention to …
MA-Seminar with Prof. Joseph Almog (University of Turku, Finland)
Tuesday 15 May:
10.15 – 12.00 h, MIS08 0101 (Espace Güggi)
13.30 – 17.30 h, MIS03 3024
Our arc covers developments from Descartes and Kant and …
Conference “The Phenomenology of Self-Awareness and the Nature of Conscious Subjects”
Conference “The Phenomenology of Self-Awareness and the Nature of Conscious Subjects”
Conference “The Phenomenology of Self-Awareness and the Nature of Conscious Subjects”
EXRE Colloquium: Katharina Kraus (University of Notre Dame) “Personal Identity and the First-person Perspective: Kant’s Conception of a Person”
This paper examines the relationship between personal identity and the first-person perspective in light of Kant’s conception of a person. Following the rationalist tradition, Kant defines (psychological) personhood in terms of the consciousness of one’s own personal identity throughout time. While it is undisputed that Kant rejects the rationalist arguments …
The Dining Experience: New Questions for Theoretical Philosophy
The Dining Experience: New Questions for Theoretical Philosophy
Conference in the memory of Fabian Dorsch
Conference in the memory of Fabian Dorsch
Conference on Perceptual Knowledge and Self-Awareness
Conference on Perceptual Knowledge and Self-Awareness
Conference on Perceptual Knowledge and Self-Awareness
EXRE Colloquium: Mario Schärli (Fribourg) “Necessary Existents and the Modal Ontological Argument”
EXRE Colloquium: Daniel Gregory (Tübingen) “A Partial Solution to Dream Skepticism”
The problem of dream skepticism is one of the most familiar in philosophy: the problem of how we can ever know that we are awake and not asleep and dreaming. I offer a partial solution to the problem: a solution which depends on certain background commitments and which is …
EXRE Colloquium: Simon Evnine (Miami) “Expressive Limitations on Patients in Psychoanalysis: A View from the Philosophy of Language”
Psychoanalysis is usually thought of as a context in which people who are patients have the maximum amount of expressive freedom. One way of thinking of the fundamental rule of psychoanalysis, the injunction to free association, is as the throwing off limitations on self-expression. But I argue that, somewhat …
EXRE Colloquium: Christoph Halbig (Zurich) “Virtue vs. virtue-ethics”
EXRE Colloquium: Frederic Auderset (Fribourg) “Emergent novelty”
EXRE Colloquium: Davood Bahjat (Fribourg) “Intention, Omission, and Self-Knowledge”
EXRE Colloquium: Julia Langkau (Fribourg) “Vivid Literary Descriptions and Intense Experiences”
EXRE Colloquium: Susanne Schmetkamp (Basel / St. Gallen) “Aesthetic Attention and Empathy”
EXRE Colloquium: Elodie Malbois (Fribourg) “On the Importance of Understanding Others”
EXRE Colloquium: Arturs Logins (Geneva) “Lotteries, Beliefs, and Emotions: A Conjecture About Being Confident and the Lottery Paradox”
A common assumption within the Lottery Paradox debate isthat we are somehow confused about epistemic justification and, hence, should revise our intuitive, but a paradox-generating understanding of it. This paperrevisits that assumption. The suggestion is that the paradox stems more specificallyfrom our confusion about justification of beliefs, not justification toutcourt, …
Conference “Phenomenal Consciousness and Self-Awareness”
Friday, April 12th
Salon des Professeurs, Miséricorde
Daniel Morgan (York)‘Self-awareness and safety’
coffee break
Carlota Serrahima (Logos-BIAP, Barcelona)‘A defence of experientialism about the sense of bodily ownership’
lunch break
Hedda Hassel Mørch (Oslo)‘Phenomenal Powers’
coffee break
Alexandre Billon (Lille) ‘A subjectivist solution to the hard problem of consciousness’
coffee break
Maiya Jordan …
Conference “Phenomenal Consciousness and Self-Awareness”
Saturday, April 13th
Salon des Professeurs, Miséricorde
Michelle Liu (Oxford) ‘Revelation and the Ordinary Conception of Experience’
coffee break
Davide Bordini (Liège)‘Not in the Mood for Intentionalism’
lunch break
Anna Giustina (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris) ‘Introspective Acquaintance: An Integration Account’
coffee break
15.40-17.00François Kammerer (UC Louvain)‘Alternative Introspection(s)’
EXRE Colloquium: Davood Bahjat (Fribourg) TBA
EXRE Colloquium: The Importance of Being Someone – On Benovsky’s No-Self View, Donnchadh O’Conaill (Fribourg) & Jiri Benovsky (Fribourg)
Jiri Benovsky has recently outlined a no-self view on which there are no subjects of experiences, only ‘experiences arranged self-wise’ (Eliminativism, Objects, and Persons: The Virtues of Non-Existence, 2019). Benovsky offers a novel account of the subjectivity and unity of experiences which does not involve appealing to a subject who …
EXRE Colloquium: Luciana Priolo (Fribourg), Individuation, Time and Self-knowledge
Conference: “Fiction and Cognition”
Mariìa Joseì Alcaraz Leoìn (University of Murcia): “More than Make-believe: On the Uses of Imagination in Understanding Fictional Literature”
Stacie Friend (Birbeck College): “The Empirical Dimension of Learning from Fiction”
Peter Lamarque (University of York): “On De-Emphasising Empathy Among Responses
Eileen John (Kent University): “What Is it Like to Experience Something as Fiction?
Derek …
Conference: “Fiction and Cognition”
Mariìa Joseì Alcaraz Leoìn (University of Murcia): “More than Make-believe: On the Uses of Imagination in Understanding Fictional Literature”
Stacie Friend (Birbeck College): “The Empirical Dimension of Learning from Fiction”
Peter Lamarque (University of York): “On De-Emphasising Empathy Among Responses
Eileen John (Kent University): “What Is it Like to Experience Something as Fiction?
Derek …
Workshop UNIFR/Liege
Meeting in Fribourg of the Fribourg/Liège research group.
Workshop with Claudia Passos & David Chalmers (NYU)
3.15-4.45 pm
Claudia Passos : ‘Do newborn babies have the experience of agency?’
5.15-6.45 pm
David Chalmers: ‘The meta-problem of consciousness’
Venue: Salle Jäggi – MIS04 4112
All welcome.
Intention, Intentional Action, and Self-Knowledge
You can find the programme for the conference below.
If you have any questions regarding the conference do not hesitate to contact me:
For the poster click here: The poster
Monday 16th September (Room MIS04 4112 Saal Jäggi, Miséricorde)
09:00 – 10:30: James Doyle (Harvard): TBA
11:00 – 12:30 Lucy …
Philosophy and/of Culinary Traditions
If anyone is interested in joining for any of the dinners (I can’t cover any expenses, though), please shoot me an email.
Wednesday, 18.09.2019
09.15 – 10.00 Merry White (Boston University): “Ekiben and Meibutsu: the Branding of Culinary Tradition in Japan”
10.00 – 10.30 Q & A
10.30 – 10.45 Coffee Break
10.45 …
The Morality of Killing Human Shields
Dear all,
I’m pleased to announce that Amir Saemi will give us a seminar on ”The Morality of Killing Human Shields”.
The seminar will be held in MIS 11, room 2.102 (salle Laure Dupraz), on Friday morning, the 20th of September, from 9:30 till 12:00.
The paper on which we will work in …
EXRE Colloquium: Jiri Benovsky’s talk on the No-Self view and the Meaning of life
Dear all,
I’m very excited to announce you that the first session of our EXRE Colloquium this term will take place on this Wednesday, Sep 25, at 17.15 in room MIS04, 4122.
For the first session, we’ll have the pleasure of hearing Jiri Benovsky’s talk on the No-Self View and the Meaning …
EXRE Colloquium: Christoph Haffter’s talk on “The Concept of concept in Conceptual Art”
EXRE Colloquium: Donnchadh O’Conail’s talk on: “the Ontology of the Self: Themes from Descartes”
The Ontology of the Self: Themes from Descartes
Vili Lähteenmäki (Helsinki) & Donnchadh O’Conaill (Fribourg)
What is the nature of the self or the subject of experiences? One traditional answer is that the self is nothing over and above its experiences, e.g., it is a bundle of experiences as described by …
EXRE Colloquium: Emmanuel Alloa’s talk on “Experiences we go through. Sensing, Bodily Affordances and the Institution of the Self”
Experiences we go through. Sensing, Bodily Affordances and the Institution of the Self
Emmanuel Alloa
Date & Time: 30 October 2019, 17:15-19:00
Room: MIS04, 4122
This paper deals with Merleau‑Ponty’s philosophy of perception, and aims at indicating why a reconception of what it means to be sensing also has implications for …
EXRE Colloquium: Fabrice Teroni’s talk on “Bodily (dis)pleasure, emotion and valence”
Bodily (dis)Pleasure, Emotion and Valence
Fabrice Teroni
Date & Time: 20 November 2019, 17:15-19:00
Room: MIS04, 4122
EXRE Colloquium: Thomas Aeppli’s talk
Speaker: Thomas Aeppli
Date & Time: 04 December 2019, 17:15-19:00 (Thomas was supposed to give us his talk on the 04th of December, but we changed the date to Dec 11th)
Room: MIS04, 4122
No Talk today!!
the talk today is cancelled.
EXRE Colloquium: Patrik Engisch’s talk on “Recipes, Tradition, and Representation”
Speaker: Patrik Engisch
Date & Time: 19 December 2019, 17:15-19:00 (Patrik was supposed to give us his talk on the 11th of December, but we changed the date to Dec 19th)
Room: MiS 10.2.04
Workshop with Arnaud Dewalque
The workshop will discuss 2 papers, in a mode of open discussion/work in progress:
Inclusive Consciousness: A Very Brief History
This paper contrasts two views of consciousness I call the narrow view and the inclusive view. Although this distinction bears on many contemporary issues, my main goal is historical. I want to argue …
EXRE Colloquium: Daniel Gregory’s talk on “Can You Have Memories During Dreams?”
Speaker: Daniel Gregory (Tübingen)
Date & Time: 04 March 2020, 17:15-19:00
Room: MIS04, 4122
EXRE Colloquium: Susanne Schmetkamp’s talk on “Attention and Inattention”
Speaker: Susanne Schmetkamp (Fribourg)
Date & Time: 18 March 2020, 17:15-19:00
Room: MIS04, 4122
EXRE Colloquium: Ralf Bader’s talk on “Choice in the Face of Multiple Orderings.”
Speaker: Ralf Bader (Fribourg)
Date & Time: 01 April 2020, 17:15-19:00
Room: MIS04, 4122
Abstract: Sometimes agents are confronted with multiple orderings that cannot be traded off against each other. These orderings might relate to different evaluative criteria in terms of which options and their associated outcomes can be evaluated. Or they might …
EXRE Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene’s talk
Speaker: Miloud Belkoniene (Glasgow)
Date & Time: 08 April 2020, 17:15-19:00
Room: MIS04, 4122
Online EXRE Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene’s talk on “Understanding and Skepticism.”
Dear all,
I hope you and your family are staying safe during these challenging times.
After successfully holding some sessions of FridaySeminars online via Zoom, we have been encouraged to do the same for some sessions of EXRE colloquiums. In this regard, I’m pleased to announce that Miloud Belkoniene will give us …
Online EXRE Colloquium: Hans-Johann Glock’s talk on “Pluralism about Reasons for Action”
Dear all,
I hope you and your family are all well.
I’m pleased to announce that Hans-Johann Glock will give us an online talk on “Pluralism about Reasons for Action” via Zoom on the 29th of April at 17:15.
You can easily download the Zoom mobile apps from here or use your browser …
Online EXRE Colloquium: Donnchadh O’Conaill’s talk on “The Argument from Revelation and the Metaphysics of Properties”
Dear all,
I’m pleased to announce that Donnchadh O’Conaill will give us an online talk on “The Argument from Revelation and the Metaphysics of Properties” via Zoom, on the 6th of May at 17:15.
You can easily download the Zoom mobile apps from here or use your browser to join the meeting. …
Online EXRE Colloquium: Davood Bahjat’s talk on “Understanding and Knowledge-How: the Minimal Requirements for Self-Knowledge and Practical Knowledge”
Dear all,
I’ll have the pleasure of giving an online talk on “Understanding and Knowledge-How: the Minimal Requirements for Self-Knowledge and Practical Knowledge” via Zoom, on the 13th of May at 17:15.
You can easily download the Zoom mobile apps from here or use your browser to join the …
EXRE Colloquium: Ralf Bader’s talk on “Meta-ethical Robustness”
Dear all,
I’m very excited to announce that the first session of our EXRE Colloquium this term will take place on Wednesday, the 23rd of September, at 17:15, room MIS02, 2122.
For the first session, we’ll have the pleasure of hearing Ralf Bader’s talk on “Meta-ethical Robustness.”
**I’ll send you the full program of …
EXRE Colloquium: Maude Ouellette-Dube’s talk on “Moral Understanding as Understanding How”
Speaker: Maude Ouellette-Dube
Date & Time: Wed, 7 Oct 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Mario Schaerli’s talk
Speaker: Mario Schaerli
Date & Time: Wed, 28 Oct 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Gregor Kozlowski’s talk on “Why Should We Care about Biodiversity?”
Speaker: Gregor Kozlowski
Date & Time: Wed, 11 Nov 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Franziska Poprawe’s talk
Speaker: Franziska Poprawe
Date & Time: Wed, 2 Dec 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
Functions of Attention: Second Workshop of the Aesthetics & Ethics of Attention SNSF Reseach Project
10:30-11:00 Introduction
11:00-12:15 Natalie Depraz (Rouen)
“Between Attention and Surprise. On Attentional Modulation”
comments by Emmanuel Alloa
12:15-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:00 Diego D`Angelo (Würzburg)
“Attention as holistic access. Synaesthesia, focus, and the constitution of the world”
comments by Susanne Schmetkamp
15:00-15:45 Break
15:45-17:00 Sebastian Watzl (Oslo)
“Salience plays a rational role”
comments by Isabel Kaeslin
17:15-18:30 Christopher Mole (Vancouver)
“The Moral Psychology of Salience”
comments …
EXRE Colloquium: Isabel Kaeslin’s talk
Speaker: Isabel Kaeslin
Date & Time: Wed, 16 Dec 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Isabel Kaeslin’s talk
Speaker: Isabel Kaeslin
Date & Time: Wed, 03 Mar 2021, 17:15-19:00.
Kant on A Priori Knowledge and the Necessity of the Categories. Workshop with Adrian W. Moore (Oxford)
Monday, March 15th 2021
10.15-12.00: Adrian W. Moore: “Armchair Knowledge, some Kantian Reflections”
14.15-16.00: Isabel Käslin: Comment on Adrian W. Moore & discussion
Tuesday, March 16th 2021
10.15-12.00: Anil Gomes, Adrian W. Moore & Andrew Stephenson: “The Necessity of the Categories”
14.15-16.00: Paola Romero: Comment on Gomes, Moore & Stephenson & discussion
The workshop will be taking place …
EXRE Colloquium: Emanuela Carta’s talk
Speaker: Emanuela Carta
Date & Time: Wed, 24 Mar 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Davood Bahjat’s talk
Speaker: Davood Bahjat
Date & Time: Wed, 12 May 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Paola Romero’s talk on “What is the basic question of a theory of property?”
Speaker: Paola Romero
Date & Time: Wed, 19 May 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Frederic Auderset’s talk
Speaker: Frederic Auderset
Date & Time: Wed, 26 May 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Mario Schärli’s talk
Speaker: Mario Schärli
Date & Time: Wed, 13 Oct 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Fabrice Teroni’s talk on “Affective Selves, Streams of Consciousness and Mental Time Travels”
Speaker: Fabrice Teroni
Date & Time: Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Gregory Bochner’s talk
Speaker: Gregory Bochner
Date & Time: Wed, 03 Nov 2021, 17:15-19:00.
Bochner: Context and Content
Bochner: Context and Content
Discussing Stalnaker’s Assertion
EXRE Colloquium: Julien Bugnon’s talk
Speaker: Julien Bugnon
Date & Time: Wed, 17 Nov 2021, 17:15-19:00.
Workshop Aesthetics & Critique IV
Aesthetics & Critique Workshop IV
Contemporaneity/Zeitgenossenschaft/Le contemporain
Universität Fribourg & FriArt
18.11.21, 14h-18h
Location: FriArt, Petites-Rames 22, Fribourg
“Aesthetic Practice in Contemporary Conditions”
Jacob Lund (Aarhus University)
“Contemporizing the Classical /Classicizing the Contemporary”
Peter Osborne (Kingston University London)
“The Critique of Contemporary Art”
Ludger Schwarte (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)
19.11.21, 9h-12h
Location: Uni Fribourg, …
exRE Colloquium: Donnchadh Ó Conaill’s talk
Speaker: Donnchadh Ó Conaill
Date & Time: Wed, 15 Dec 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Francesco Praolini’s talk
Speaker: Francesco Praolini
Date & Time: Wed, 23 Mar 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Olivier Massin’s talk
Speaker: Olivier Massin
Date & Time: Wed, 13 Apr 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Jason Day’s talk
Speaker: Jason Day
Date & Time: Wed, 27 Apr 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Sharon Casu’s talk
Speaker: Sharon Casu
Date & Time: Wed, 18 May 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene’s talk
Speaker: Miloud Belkoniene
Date & Time: Wed, 25 May 2022, 17:15-19:00.
Conference: Rational Capacities in Thought, Perception, and Action
Dear all,
We’re delighted to invite you to our upcoming conference “Rational Capacities in Thought, Perception, and Action” which will be held from 30th May to 1st June 2022.
Please find the conference poster and program below.
If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact Andrea:
For the …
Conference: Rational Capacities
With Henrike Moll, Giacomo Melis, Adrian Haddock, Eric Marcus, Lucy Campbell and members of the Warwick/Fribourg research project.
Workshop: Moral Understanding, Virtue and Moral Competence
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
Afternoon Workshop
Moral Understanding, Virtue and Moral Competence
14 :00 – 15 :15 Miloud Belkoniene (Glasgow)
Fostering Understanding
15:30 – 16 :45 Paulina Sliwa (Vienna)
Moral Inquiry
17 :00 — 18:15 Bridget Clarke (Montana)
Virtue, Competence, and Being Oneself
University of Fribourg, Miséricorde,
Room: Salle Jäggi (MIS04 4112)
Organized by Ralf Bader and Maude Ouellette-Dubé
Everyone is welcoming, please register by email:
Workshop with Adrian Haddock (Stirling): Subjectivity and its Significance
Workshop: further information later.
EXRE Colloquium: Alfonso Hoyos’s talk
Speaker: Alfonso Hoyos
Title: “A phenomenological perspective of natural beauty from the perspective of the concept of the model of Robert Bresson”
Date & Time: Wed, 28 Sep 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Alexander A. Jeuk’s talk
Speaker: Alexander A. Jeuk
Date & Time: Wed, 26 Oct 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Jason Day’s talk
Speaker: Jason Day
Title: “A Distributive Model of Attention: Understanding the Relation between Attention and the Structure of Experience”
Date & Time: Wed, 9 Nov 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Patrik Engisch’s talk
Speaker: Patrik Engisch
Title: “Real Philosophy of Creativity”
Date & Time: Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 17:15-19:00.
Phenomenal Concepts and their (New) Applications
Phenomenal Concepts and their (New) Applications
Feb 21-22, 2023; Salle Jäggi
Talks by:
Martina Fürst (Graz)
Christiana Werner (Duisburg-Essen)
Martine Nida-Rümelin (Fribourg)
Julia Langkau (Geneva)
Julien Bugnon (Fribourg)
EXRE Colloquium: Giuliano Torrengo’s talk on “The Outer Flow and the Inner Flow” (University of Milan)
Speaker: Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milan)
Title: “The Outer Flow and the Inner Flow” … “Giuliano works on time, considered from different angles (metaphysics, mind, language, etc.). He’s currently writing a book on temporal experience, which is under contract with OUP. He’s at the end of the process and might present …
EXRE Colloquium: Patrik Engisch’s talk
Speaker: Patrik Engisch
Date & Time: Wed., 15 Mar 2023, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Bruno Cortesi’s talk
Speaker: Bruno Cortesi
Date & Time: Wed., 29 Mar 2023, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Sarah Koeglsperger’s talk
Speaker: Sarah Koeglsperger
Date & Time: Wed., 19 Apr. 2023, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Antoine Bonzon’s talk
Speaker: Antoine Bonzon
Date & Time: Wed., 10 May 2023, 17:15-19:00.
Conference “The Nature of Conscious Subjects and Their Experiences”
Conference “The Nature of Conscious Subjects and Their Experiences”
(More details will follow.)
Symposium with Robert Howell on his new book “Self-Awareness and The Elusive Subject”
Symposium with Robert Howell on his new book “Self-Awareness and The Elusive Subject”
EXRE Colloquium: Sharon Casu’s talk
Speaker: Sharon Casu
Date & Time: Wed., 31 May 2023, 17:15-19:00.
Applications of Grounding Workshop (Part I)
This two-day workshop draws together researchers working on metaphysical grounding and its applications to areas such as ethics, philosophy of mind, wider issues in metaphysics, and philosophy of science.
Location: Trinity College Dublin. TRiSS Seminar Room, Floor 6.
Organisers: Alex Moran, Anandi Hattiangadi
in association with the Beyond Reductionism: Contingent Grounding Physicalism project, …
Mario Schärli, “Possibility, Actuality, and Determinacy. Baumgarten’s Theory of Ontological Status”
On Monday, October 9th, we’ll have the pleasure of listening to Mario Schärli’s talk, “Possibility, Actuality, and Determinacy. Baumgarten’s Theory of Ontological Status”.
Mario will be joining us online, but we will meet in the Jäggi room (MIS04 4112). Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend …
Davide Dalla Rosa, “A Kantian account of the relationship between believing and judging”
On Monday, October 16th, Davide Dalla Rosa will give the following talk: “A Kantian account of the relationship between believing and judging”
Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person:
The paper aims to investigate the relationship between the act of judging in Kant and …
[CANCELLED] Basil Müller, “Bad Beliefs and Social Epistemic Norms”
On Monday, October 23rd, Basil Müller will present “Bad Beliefs and Social Epistemic Norms”
People with bad beliefs — roughly beliefs that conflict with those of the relevant experts and are maintained regardless of counter-evidence — are often cast as bad believers. Such beliefs are seen to be the …
Ursula Renz, “Perspective-Taking as a Norm of Doxastic Rationality: What’s the Point of Kant’s Second Maxim?”
Tomorrow, October 30th, Ursula Renz will give the following talk: “Perspective-Taking as a Norm of Doxastic Rationality: What’s the Point of Kant’s Second Maxim?” in the Peter Jäggi room (MIS04 4112).
Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person:
The paper elaborates on …
Paul Keller, “Secession and Annexation – Structural Symmetry and Its Implications”
Next Monday, November 13th, Paul Keller will give the following talk: “Secession and Annexation – Structural Symmetry and Its Implications”.
Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person:
Contact: or
[CANCELLED] Vera Hoffman-Kolss, “Counterpossibles and Causal Exclusion”
Speaker: Vera Hoffman-Kolss
Title: “Counterpossibles and Causal Exclusion”
Date: 27.11.23
Time: 17:15-19:00
Location: Room Peter Jäggi (MIS04 4112)
(ONLINE) Roberto Keller, “Wrong-Kind-of-Reason Skepticism Strikes Back”
On Monday, 4 December, we’ll have the pleasure of listening to Roberto Keller’s talk, “Wrong-Kind-of-Reason Skepticism Strikes Back”.
The talk will be held exclusively online. Here is the link for the meeting :
Reasons of the right kind to believe, desire, or intend that p are reasons which bear, …
[CANCELLED] Léna Mudry, “Suspension of Judgement, Inquiry and High Stakes”
Next Monday, December 11, Léna Mudry will give the following talk: “Suspension of Judgement, Inquiry and High Stakes”.
Suspension of judgement is often closely associated with inquiry (Friedman 2017, 2019; Fritz 2020; Lord 2021). For example, Jane Friedman argues that we suspend judgement to inquire (2017). …
Workshop on Contemporary Philosophy
9:30-11:00 – Johannes Roessler (University of Warwick): “Centralism in Epistemology”
11:30-13:00 – Amir Saemi (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran): “Process-centered norms”
14:30-16:00 – Gianfranco Soldati (Université de Fribourg): “Inner perception and the first person”
To register, please write to:
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: CUSO Workshop on Normativity and Reasons
Call for Abstracts
Workshop with Ema Sullivan-Bissett and Adam Carter on Normativity and Reasons
Where: Crêt-Bérard (Vaud)
When: 28 January – 31 January 2024
We invite PhD students at universities affiliated with the CUSO (Unil, Unige, Unine, Unifr, Unibe) to submit an abstract for the upcoming CUSO workshop titled Normativity and Reasons. The …
EXRE Colloquium: Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette – Two Problems with Bullshitting
Abstract: Bullshitting is prima facie wrong, and sometimes blameless. Harry Frankfurt’s famous account, according to which to bullshit is to manifest indifference to truth, fails to explain the wrongness of bullshitting and impliess that it is always blameworthy, or at least inexcusable. We should instead follow Cohen and Wreen and …
EXRE Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene – Moral Intuitionism: Between Reasons and Inclinations
Abstract : This paper examines moral intuitionism as formulated by Tropman. In Tropman’s view, moral intuitionism is best construed as the claim that some moral beliefs can be justified without being based on reasons. While this construal of the view has several advantages, it raises an important question: how can a …
EXRE Colloquium: Léna Mudry – Suspension of Jugment, Inquiry and High Stakes
Suspension of judgement is often closely associated with inquiry (Friedman 2017, 2019; Fritz 2020; Lord 2021). Interestingly these philosophers have also provided an inquiry-based explanation of high stakes cases. In a nutshell, a belief that P is justified only if one ought not to inquire further. Due to insufficient attention …
EXRE Colloquium: Vera Hoffmann-Kolss – Degrees of Causation
There is a growing consensus that causation can come in degrees. For instance, if two companies both emit effluents into a river, the degree to which they should be held responsible for the resulting damage depends on the degree to which they causally contributed to it. In general, if an …
EXRE Colloquium: Mario Schärli – Kant on Merely Possible Objects (ONLINE)
It is commonly held that Kant’s account of existence foreshadows Frege’s, Russell’s, and Quine’s disdain for non-existent objects. This interpretation has consequences for the interpretation of Kant’s modal metaphysics because it excludes attributing an ontology of merely possible objects (possibilia) to Kant. Consequently, it has become standard in the literature …
EXRE Colloquium: Anthony Taylor – Usurping Official Power
Public officials—such as legislators, judges, and law enforcement officers—sometimes make mistakes. The question that this paper focusses on is whether the individuals who make these mistakes, by virtue of occupying their official role, sometimes possess a right against interference or harm that a private individual who made the same kind …
EXRE Colloquium: Bruno Cortesi – On the Supposed Metaphysical Neutrality of the Phenomenological Approach (ONLINE)
My talk will be about phenomenology understood as a discipline, an enterprise or an inquiry in philosophy, rather than as a movement in the history of philosophy: as the title suggests, it will be about the (so-called) phenomenological approach and not – or not just – about the (so-called) phenomenological …
Workshop with Elijah Chudnoff
Dear all
We kindly invite you to a forthcoming workshop with Elijah Chudnoff (University of Miami) that will take place on May 3rd and 4th.
Here is the program:
Friday, 3rd May – Espace Güggi, MIS08 0101
3:15-5pm: Elijah Chudnoff – The Role of Seemings in Deliberate Inference
Saturday, 4th May – Salle …
EXRE Colloquium: Claire Field – The Value of Incoherence
I argue that level-incoherence has distinctive epistemic value in a specific set of epistemic environments: those in which it is easy to acquire justified false beliefs about normative requirements of epistemic rationality. I argue that in these environments level-incoherence is the rationally dominant strategy. Nevertheless, the idea that level-incoherence is …
EXRE Colloquium: Julien Bugnon – Welfare Subjectivity and The Unifying Power of Consciousness (ONLINE)
I present an argument based on the unifying power of consciousness in favour of what Bradford (2022) has termed “the View”: the view that consciousness is necessary for being a welfare subject. Welfare subjects are bearers of welfare goods and bads: things that affect the well-being or welfare of these …
Robert Hopkins (NYU) The Birth of an Icon
Pictures are semantically structured, but how? And how does that structure relate to their spatial structure? One answer to these questions is offered by the Parts Principle: where a picture P depicts some object or scene O, every spatial part of P depicts some spatial …
Applications of Grounding (Part II)
This workshops brings together a range of scholars working on first-order issues in philosophy within a metaphysical grounding framework. We will have talks on various topics, in for example meta-ethics, metaphysics, mind, and ancient philosophy, whereby what unifies the talks is a grounding-theoretic approach. Confirmed speakers include:
Ralf Bader (Fribourg)
Carlo Rossi …
CUSO Summer School with Gideon Rosen “Recent Work in the Metaphysics of Ethics”
The EPP Chair of the Université de Fribourg is organising a Summer School with Gideon Rosen (Princeton). The week-long summer school will focus on the metaphysics of morality, with a special focus on non-naturalist moral realism: the view that moral thought and discourse are concerned with real, mind-independent facts that …
Book Symposium: Matt Duncan’s “Present to the Mind: Acquaintance and Its Significance”
Dear all,
I am pleased to invite you to a book symposium on Matt Duncan’s Present to the Mind: Acquaintance and Its Significance, which will take place on August 10, 2024 at the University of Fribourg (Room MIS 10 01.04).
Matt Duncan will briefly present five chapters of …
Giovanni Rizzotto, TBA
Abstract: TBA
Will Moorfoot, “In Defence of Indeterministic Building”
In this paper, I set out a new argument for the coherence of indeterministic building and defend its premises. The argument hinges on the underexplored notion of indeterministic supervenience. First, I argue that the logical possibility of an indeterministic supervenience relation entails the coherence of indeterministic building. Second, I argue …
Workshop: “Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind”
Room MIS04 4118
10.00 – 11.20: Vera Hoffman-Kolss (Universität Bern): “Indeterminate Prevention: A Supervaluationist Approach”
11.30 – 12.50: Alex Moran (Université de Fribourg): “The Possibility of Non-Reductive Physicalism”
Room MIS04 4122
14.30 – 15.50: Will Moorfoot (University of Southampton): “Zombie-proof physicalism and Mary’s revenge”
16.00 – 17.20: John Donaldson (University of Glasgow): “Does super-causation entail …
Dirk Franken, “Existence Originalism”
Abstract: TBA
Patrik Engisch & André Sant’anna, “Aesthetic Rememberings”
Abstract: TBA