EXRE Colloquium: Ralf Bader’s talk on “Meta-ethical Robustness”
Dear all,
I’m very excited to announce that the first session of our EXRE Colloquium this term will take place on Wednesday, the 23rd of September, at 17:15, room MIS02, 2122.
For the first session, we’ll have the pleasure of hearing Ralf Bader’s talk on “Meta-ethical Robustness.”
**I’ll send you the full program of …
EXRE Colloquium: Maude Ouellette-Dube’s talk on “Moral Understanding as Understanding How”
Speaker: Maude Ouellette-Dube
Date & Time: Wed, 7 Oct 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Mario Schaerli’s talk
Speaker: Mario Schaerli
Date & Time: Wed, 28 Oct 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Gregor Kozlowski’s talk on “Why Should We Care about Biodiversity?”
Speaker: Gregor Kozlowski
Date & Time: Wed, 11 Nov 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Franziska Poprawe’s talk
Speaker: Franziska Poprawe
Date & Time: Wed, 2 Dec 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Isabel Kaeslin’s talk
Speaker: Isabel Kaeslin
Date & Time: Wed, 16 Dec 2020, 17:15-19:00.
Room: MIS02, 2122.
EXRE Colloquium: Isabel Kaeslin’s talk
Speaker: Isabel Kaeslin
Date & Time: Wed, 03 Mar 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Emanuela Carta’s talk
Speaker: Emanuela Carta
Date & Time: Wed, 24 Mar 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Davood Bahjat’s talk
Speaker: Davood Bahjat
Date & Time: Wed, 12 May 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Paola Romero’s talk on “What is the basic question of a theory of property?”
Speaker: Paola Romero
Date & Time: Wed, 19 May 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Frederic Auderset’s talk
Speaker: Frederic Auderset
Date & Time: Wed, 26 May 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Mario Schärli’s talk
Speaker: Mario Schärli
Date & Time: Wed, 13 Oct 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Fabrice Teroni’s talk on “Affective Selves, Streams of Consciousness and Mental Time Travels”
Speaker: Fabrice Teroni
Date & Time: Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Gregory Bochner’s talk
Speaker: Gregory Bochner
Date & Time: Wed, 03 Nov 2021, 17:15-19:00.
Bochner: Context and Content
Bochner: Context and Content
Discussing Stalnaker’s Assertion
EXRE Colloquium: Julien Bugnon’s talk
Speaker: Julien Bugnon
Date & Time: Wed, 17 Nov 2021, 17:15-19:00.
exRE Colloquium: Donnchadh Ó Conaill’s talk
Speaker: Donnchadh Ó Conaill
Date & Time: Wed, 15 Dec 2021, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Francesco Praolini’s talk
Speaker: Francesco Praolini
Date & Time: Wed, 23 Mar 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Olivier Massin’s talk
Speaker: Olivier Massin
Date & Time: Wed, 13 Apr 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Jason Day’s talk
Speaker: Jason Day
Date & Time: Wed, 27 Apr 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Sharon Casu’s talk
Speaker: Sharon Casu
Date & Time: Wed, 18 May 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene’s talk
Speaker: Miloud Belkoniene
Date & Time: Wed, 25 May 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Alfonso Hoyos’s talk
Speaker: Alfonso Hoyos
Title: “A phenomenological perspective of natural beauty from the perspective of the concept of the model of Robert Bresson”
Date & Time: Wed, 28 Sep 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Alexander A. Jeuk’s talk
Speaker: Alexander A. Jeuk
Date & Time: Wed, 26 Oct 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Jason Day’s talk
Speaker: Jason Day
Title: “A Distributive Model of Attention: Understanding the Relation between Attention and the Structure of Experience”
Date & Time: Wed, 9 Nov 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Patrik Engisch’s talk
Speaker: Patrik Engisch
Title: “Real Philosophy of Creativity”
Date & Time: Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Giuliano Torrengo’s talk on “The Outer Flow and the Inner Flow” (University of Milan)
Speaker: Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milan)
Title: “The Outer Flow and the Inner Flow” … “Giuliano works on time, considered from different angles (metaphysics, mind, language, etc.). He’s currently writing a book on temporal experience, which is under contract with OUP. He’s at the end of the process and might present …
EXRE Colloquium: Patrik Engisch’s talk
Speaker: Patrik Engisch
Date & Time: Wed., 15 Mar 2023, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Bruno Cortesi’s talk
Speaker: Bruno Cortesi
Date & Time: Wed., 29 Mar 2023, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Sarah Koeglsperger’s talk
Speaker: Sarah Koeglsperger
Date & Time: Wed., 19 Apr. 2023, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Antoine Bonzon’s talk
Speaker: Antoine Bonzon
Date & Time: Wed., 10 May 2023, 17:15-19:00.
EXRE Colloquium: Sharon Casu’s talk
Speaker: Sharon Casu
Date & Time: Wed., 31 May 2023, 17:15-19:00.
Mario Schärli, “Possibility, Actuality, and Determinacy. Baumgarten’s Theory of Ontological Status”
On Monday, October 9th, we’ll have the pleasure of listening to Mario Schärli’s talk, “Possibility, Actuality, and Determinacy. Baumgarten’s Theory of Ontological Status”.
Mario will be joining us online, but we will meet in the Jäggi room (MIS04 4112). Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend …
Davide Dalla Rosa, “A Kantian account of the relationship between believing and judging”
On Monday, October 16th, Davide Dalla Rosa will give the following talk: “A Kantian account of the relationship between believing and judging”
Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aEkOJc7khEXPKBqyYVgaPyxNTvNBRLDVqghPlqKDHiuI1%40thread.tacv2/1695802103169?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d
The paper aims to investigate the relationship between the act of judging in Kant and …
[CANCELLED] Basil Müller, “Bad Beliefs and Social Epistemic Norms”
On Monday, October 23rd, Basil Müller will present “Bad Beliefs and Social Epistemic Norms”
People with bad beliefs — roughly beliefs that conflict with those of the relevant experts and are maintained regardless of counter-evidence — are often cast as bad believers. Such beliefs are seen to be the …
Ursula Renz, “Perspective-Taking as a Norm of Doxastic Rationality: What’s the Point of Kant’s Second Maxim?”
Tomorrow, October 30th, Ursula Renz will give the following talk: “Perspective-Taking as a Norm of Doxastic Rationality: What’s the Point of Kant’s Second Maxim?” in the Peter Jäggi room (MIS04 4112).
Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_M2UyYTdlNTgtZjhjMy00NjgwLTg3NmUtYmMzYjM5ZTdlZjg3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d
The paper elaborates on …
Paul Keller, “Secession and Annexation – Structural Symmetry and Its Implications”
Next Monday, November 13th, Paul Keller will give the following talk: “Secession and Annexation – Structural Symmetry and Its Implications”.
Here is the link for the online meeting, if you cannot attend in person: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZGFjYzZkZjMtMTkwMS00N2U4LTg2ZDMtYzg0N2VmZjI1MjBj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d
Contact: sharon.casu@unifr.ch or elisa.bezencon@unifr.ch
[CANCELLED] Vera Hoffman-Kolss, “Counterpossibles and Causal Exclusion”
Speaker: Vera Hoffman-Kolss
Title: “Counterpossibles and Causal Exclusion”
Date: 27.11.23
Time: 17:15-19:00
Location: Room Peter Jäggi (MIS04 4112)
(ONLINE) Roberto Keller, “Wrong-Kind-of-Reason Skepticism Strikes Back”
On Monday, 4 December, we’ll have the pleasure of listening to Roberto Keller’s talk, “Wrong-Kind-of-Reason Skepticism Strikes Back”.
The talk will be held exclusively online. Here is the link for the meeting : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Y2ZhNzdjOWUtMGZmNi00NTJmLWEyYjItOTgwMzY5Yjg0OGY4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2288c9873b-3065-42a0-9f3c-ac864c0ac788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2295152ecd-5dcb-4819-b4c7-e9b2e4b24d9d%22%7d
Reasons of the right kind to believe, desire, or intend that p are reasons which bear, …
[CANCELLED] Léna Mudry, “Suspension of Judgement, Inquiry and High Stakes”
Next Monday, December 11, Léna Mudry will give the following talk: “Suspension of Judgement, Inquiry and High Stakes”.
Suspension of judgement is often closely associated with inquiry (Friedman 2017, 2019; Fritz 2020; Lord 2021). For example, Jane Friedman argues that we suspend judgement to inquire (2017). …
EXRE Colloquium: Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette – Two Problems with Bullshitting
Abstract: Bullshitting is prima facie wrong, and sometimes blameless. Harry Frankfurt’s famous account, according to which to bullshit is to manifest indifference to truth, fails to explain the wrongness of bullshitting and impliess that it is always blameworthy, or at least inexcusable. We should instead follow Cohen and Wreen and …
EXRE Colloquium: Miloud Belkoniene – Moral Intuitionism: Between Reasons and Inclinations
Abstract : This paper examines moral intuitionism as formulated by Tropman. In Tropman’s view, moral intuitionism is best construed as the claim that some moral beliefs can be justified without being based on reasons. While this construal of the view has several advantages, it raises an important question: how can a …
EXRE Colloquium: Léna Mudry – Suspension of Jugment, Inquiry and High Stakes
Suspension of judgement is often closely associated with inquiry (Friedman 2017, 2019; Fritz 2020; Lord 2021). Interestingly these philosophers have also provided an inquiry-based explanation of high stakes cases. In a nutshell, a belief that P is justified only if one ought not to inquire further. Due to insufficient attention …
EXRE Colloquium: Vera Hoffmann-Kolss – Degrees of Causation
There is a growing consensus that causation can come in degrees. For instance, if two companies both emit effluents into a river, the degree to which they should be held responsible for the resulting damage depends on the degree to which they causally contributed to it. In general, if an …
EXRE Colloquium: Mario Schärli – Kant on Merely Possible Objects (ONLINE)
It is commonly held that Kant’s account of existence foreshadows Frege’s, Russell’s, and Quine’s disdain for non-existent objects. This interpretation has consequences for the interpretation of Kant’s modal metaphysics because it excludes attributing an ontology of merely possible objects (possibilia) to Kant. Consequently, it has become standard in the literature …
EXRE Colloquium: Anthony Taylor – Usurping Official Power
Public officials—such as legislators, judges, and law enforcement officers—sometimes make mistakes. The question that this paper focusses on is whether the individuals who make these mistakes, by virtue of occupying their official role, sometimes possess a right against interference or harm that a private individual who made the same kind …
EXRE Colloquium: Bruno Cortesi – On the Supposed Metaphysical Neutrality of the Phenomenological Approach (ONLINE)
My talk will be about phenomenology understood as a discipline, an enterprise or an inquiry in philosophy, rather than as a movement in the history of philosophy: as the title suggests, it will be about the (so-called) phenomenological approach and not – or not just – about the (so-called) phenomenological …
EXRE Colloquium: Claire Field – The Value of Incoherence
I argue that level-incoherence has distinctive epistemic value in a specific set of epistemic environments: those in which it is easy to acquire justified false beliefs about normative requirements of epistemic rationality. I argue that in these environments level-incoherence is the rationally dominant strategy. Nevertheless, the idea that level-incoherence is …
EXRE Colloquium: Julien Bugnon – Welfare Subjectivity and The Unifying Power of Consciousness (ONLINE)
I present an argument based on the unifying power of consciousness in favour of what Bradford (2022) has termed “the View”: the view that consciousness is necessary for being a welfare subject. Welfare subjects are bearers of welfare goods and bads: things that affect the well-being or welfare of these …
Robert Hopkins (NYU) The Birth of an Icon
Pictures are semantically structured, but how? And how does that structure relate to their spatial structure? One answer to these questions is offered by the Parts Principle: where a picture P depicts some object or scene O, every spatial part of P depicts some spatial …
Giovanni Rizzotto, TBA
Abstract: TBA
Will Moorfoot, “In Defence of Indeterministic Building”
In this paper, I set out a new argument for the coherence of indeterministic building and defend its premises. The argument hinges on the underexplored notion of indeterministic supervenience. First, I argue that the logical possibility of an indeterministic supervenience relation entails the coherence of indeterministic building. Second, I argue …
Dirk Franken, “Existence Originalism”
Abstract: TBA
Patrik Engisch & André Sant’anna, “Aesthetic Rememberings”
Abstract: TBA